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Since 1912, millions of women have had their lives positively influenced, even transformed, by their Girl Scout experience. Through the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois Alumnae Association, you will have an opportunity to reconnect with the organization that helped shape you into the woman you are today. If you were ever a girl member, staff member, or volunteer, whether locally or in a council hundreds of miles away, we invite you to reconnect with the sisterhood of Girl Scouts.

You may find lost friends, make new connections in your community, share your Girl Scout memories, or make a difference in the lives of girls. Many of you are experts in your field and our girls could really benefit from your many talents. Might you enjoy assisting with a Girl Scout program in your field, volunteer at summer camp, or assist with a special event or project?

To receive information regarding Alumnae Events or to join our Alumnae Association, contact Beth Allen at 217-372-5221 or Also, please complete an Alumnae Interest Form to ensure you are on the invite list, help us plan future alumnae events, and identify ways you would like to be involved with Girl Scouts. 

The first Girl Scout troops began before women were given the right to vote. Today, more than 90 years later, there is a “Troop Capitol Hill” made up entirely of congresswomen who are honorary Girl Scouts.


Nearly 70% of the women in U.S. Congress today are former Girl Scouts.


64% of the women listed in Who’s Who of American Women are Girl Scout alumnae.


53% of all women business owners are Girl Scout alumnae.

Famous Girl Scouts Alumnae include former First Lady Laura Bush, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, anchorwomen Barbara Walters and Katie Couric, musicians Sheryl Crow and Natalie Merchant, professional athletes Bonnie Blair and Rebecca Lobo, and many more.