At Girl Scouts, girls find a safe haven—a girl-inclusive space where
they're free to be themselves without the pressures and social anxiety
that can result from a mixed-gender environment.
Our leadership model is designed to meet girls' interests and needs
because it’s collaborative and values a diversity of
At Girl Scouts, everything we do—from troop meetings, cookie sales,
and camping, to STEM and beyond—is girl-led and girl-focused and takes
place in the safe space of an all-girl environment.
The girl-only, girl-led, and all-around girl-defined aspects of Girl
Scouting are crucial to what we offer, because not all girls have
access to the single-gender environment of, for example, the private
school system.
The emotional, girl-inclusive safe space offered by Girl Scouts
fosters collaboration instead of competition, and promotes support
among girls, enabling them to stretch beyond their limits and transfer
valuable knowledge and skills to any environment, both now and in the future.