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Adopt a Horse Program

Pick your favorite and begin the  adoption process. Once you have donated you will receive an email with the adoption kit and any additional extras associated with the level of adoption. Learn more about Adopt a Horse!

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Meet the Herd

Bailey AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse-Pony
Color: Dun
Gender: Mare
Born: 2010
Height: 14.1hh
Interesting Fact: Bailey is the "class clown" of the herd.

Bambina AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Donkey - miniature
Color: Grey
Gender: Jenny
Born: 2004
Height: 8.1hh
Interesting Fact: Bambina is the smallest member of the herd.

Beauty AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse 
Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Mare
Born: 1995
Height: 15.2hh
Interesting Fact: Beauty had 5 babies before coming to Camp Tapawingo.

Flash AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Paint (Tobiano)
Color: Bay and White
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2000
Height: 15.3hh
Interesting Fact: Flash's half-brother is Goober.

Ginger AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse-Pony
Color: Chestnut
Gender: Mare
Born: 1994
Height: 13hh
Interesting Fact: Ginger is the smallest rideable horse in our herd.

Goober AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse/Paint
Color: Red Roan
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2000
Height: 16hh
Interesting Fact: Goober's half brother is Flash.

Hugo AdoptAHorse SM

Hugo (Dakota) 
Breed: Miniature Horse
Color: Sorrel
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2014
Height: 9.1hh
Interesting Fact: Hugo's best friend is Nelson.

Jake AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Paint (Tobiano)
Color: Sorrel and White
Gender: Gelding
Born: 1996
Height: 15.3hh
Interesting Fact: Jake's registered name is DIRTY JACK.

Jazzy AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Paint (Solid)
Color: Black
Gender: Mare
Born: 2002
Height: 15hh
Interesting Fact: Jazzy's registered name is MTS POCOS JASMINE.

Mac AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Haflinger
Color: Chestnut
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2003
Height: 14.1hh
Interesting Fact: Mac's registered name is MIGHTY MACK DDA.

Maggie AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Donkey - Standard
Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Jenny
Born: 2002
Height: 12.1hh
Interesting Fact: Maggie's best friend is Tia and they were donated together.

Murphy AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse 
Color: Bay
Gender: Gelding
Born: 1992
Height: 14.2hh
Interesting Fact: Murphy's best friend is Phoenix.

Phoenix AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse
Color: Sorrel
Born: 1996
Height: 14.2hh
Interesting Fact: Phoenix's registered name is CISCO'S KID and his best friend is Murphy.

Picasso AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Paint (Overo)
Color: Sorrel and White
Gender: Gelding
Born: 1992
Height: 14.1hh
Interesting Fact: Picasso's best friend is Sugar.

Red AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Appendix Horse (Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse)
Color: Chestnut
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2003
Height: 16.1hh
Interesting Fact: Red actually goes by the name Red Baron.

RickyBobby AdoptAHorse SM

Ricky Bobby
Breed: Miniature Paint Horse
Color: Bay and White
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2008
Height: 9.1hh
Interesting Fact: Ricky Bobby usually can be found hanging out with Hugo or wherever there's food.

Rosie AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Paint (Overo)
Color: Black, Brown, and White (Tri-Color)
Gender: Mare
Born: 2002
Height: 15hh
Interesting Fact: Rosie loves food.

Sugar AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Quarter Horse - Pony
Color: Palomino
Gender: Mare
Born: 2003
Height: 14.1hh
Interesting Fact: Sugar's best friend is Picasso.

Thomas AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Thoroughbred (OTTB . . .off-the-track Thoroughbred)
Color: Bay
Gender: Gelding
Born: 2003
Height: 17hh
Interesting Fact: Thomas is the tallest horse in our herd.

Tia AdoptAHorse SM

Breed: Mule - Miniature
Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Mare
Born: 2000
Height: 9.2hh
Interesting Fact: Tia's best friend is Maggie and they were donated together.