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$5 on the 5th

In March for Girl Scouts’ 109th birthday, Girl Scouts of Central Illinois launched a new monthly giving club called $5 on the 5th. Essentially, for a cup of coffee at one’s fave drive-thru, a $5 or more monthly gift goes a long way to jumpstart Girl Scouting for a girl.

During the whole month of March, everyone who joined by making a $5 or more monthly donation for a minimum of 12 months received a Girl Scout Partner lapel pin to proudly show ongoing Girl Scout support. They also received a complimentary ticket to one of our six signature events across our council.

Now through October 31, in honor of founder Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low’s birthday on Halloween, we offer these same perks for all new members. It’s a Daisy of a deal.

Click here to be a supporter of $5 on the 5th! Or constact Stacey LaFeber at 217-693-4723.

$5 on the 5th is an exclusive monthly giving club that helps to provide the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls across central Illinois. Join today to make small gifts add up to make a BIG impact in our community!