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A Time of Reflection

By M. Kate Allen

September marks the end of the Girl Scout membership year. As girls and volunteers come together to decide how they would like to spend the next 12 months, this is a good time for reflection.

I invite you to grab a journal and something to write with, take a full stop moment, and spend a little time in your favorite place (perhaps with your favorite beverage!). This is an opportunity to reflect on any or all of the following questions and prompts:

• Describe a memorable time when you practiced honesty or fairness, even when it was challenging.

• Describe a time you went out of your way to be friendly or helpful to someone, even when it was inconvenient. 

• Give yourself credit by describing a time when you went out of your way to be considerate or caring.

• What was it like when you dared to be courageous or strong, especially when it would have been easier not to?

• Consider a time when you practiced accountability for what you said or did. What kinds of feelings came up? 

• Reflect on a time when you practiced self-respect and respect towards others.

• To whom or to what do you grant authority in your life?

• What resources did you treasure this year?

Review the answers you've written so far, then take a moment to recognize that you have—in these ways and so many more—made the world a better place.

Now, list the names of the Girl Scouts who have impacted your life. Next to their names, write a word or phrase that describes them (e.g., empowered, happiness, encouraging). Consider sharing your words and phrases with the people on your list. If you haven’t already, add your name to the list, and on a separate piece of paper, write the word or phrase you give yourself, and decorate it. 

Enjoy preparing for the new membership year!