Whether you are new leader or in your fifth cookie season, our
volunteer learning and enrichment sessions are designed to engage with
volunteers at every stage of Girl Scouting to provide you with the
information, resources, and skills to feel prepared and confident in
leading girls. With these offerings, we strive to enhance your
leadership skills to build girls of courage, confidence, and character
who make the world a better place.
All in-person learning and enrichment opportunities are listed
on our events page and online learning can be found through our website. Each
fall, Girl Scouts of Colorado hosts Leadership Summits across
the state to bring fun and engaging workshops to you.
Log into your myGS account to access gsLearn
From My Account, find the gsLearn tab on the left hand menu. The
first time you log in to gsLearn, it may take up to 30 min for your
dashboard to load. If you encounter this issue, please log out and log
back in again. gsLearn is not available on mobile at this time.
We know that training is critical to a successful volunteer
experience, and for that reason, we are continually adding to our
training portfolio. Check the event
list and gsLearn, our
e-learning site, regularly.
Search for Live Sessions, also called Instructor Lead Trainings
(ILT), through the content library in gsLearn.
Utilize the
search bar in the content library by typing "512 ILT" to
find ll our Live Session courses.
These are just some of the trainings we offer:
Interested in becoming a Volunteer Trainer?
Volunteer Trainers are critical to bringing learning opportunities
across the state. Email inquiry@gscolorado.org for
information on becoming a Volunteer Trainer.