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Our Camp Properties


Whether you are planning an outdoor adventure with your troop or Service Unit, looking for a corporate retreat, hosting an offsite staff meeting, spending the day or night away with your family, or getting ready to celebrate your wedding, Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts (GSCWM) has what you’re looking for.  GSCWM welcomes troops, groups and families to our Girl Scout camp properties. Explore the outdoors, go for a hike, participate in team-building activities, enjoy the landscape, go for a swim, ski or snowshoe, try your hand at archery and more.   Located throughout central and western Massachusetts, our camps are sure to provide you the ultimate outdoor experience.

GSCWM is the proud owner of more than 1,000 acres of beautiful outdoor properties. Explore our four camps below:

Camp Bonnie Brae
American Camp Associated Accredited Logo Small

The nation’s longest, continuously operating Girl Scout Camp. At Camp Bonnie Brae explore our waterfront, take a trip to the archery range, or use our new Gaga Pit.

Girlscout_Camp Bonnie Brae Map 2018

To make a reservation use our online form.

Special weekend packages available to GSCWM service units. Contact us for more information,  Camp Bonnie Brae - GSCWM GroupsCamp Bonnie Brae - Other Council Groups/Non ProfitCamp Bonnie Brae - Outside Groups
Max. Capacity - Day / Night: 160    
* Exclusive Use - Minimum Capacity is: 100 *Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $ 600 w/out Lodge or $900 with Leadership Lodge*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $ 900 w/out Lodge or $1,200 with Leadership Lodge*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $ 1,320 w/out Lodge or $1,620 with Leadership Lodge
Winterized Bldgs Cap. FeeFeeFee
Anne's Boathouse20$80 $120 $180
Leadership Lodge20$160 $240 $350
Non-Winterized Bldgs Cap.FeeFeeFee
Big House30$95 $145 $200
Jerry's Cabin4$25 $45 $55
Sue's House10$35 $50 $80
Dining Hall - Day Use 150$120 $180 $265
w/Institutional Kitchen $180 $255 $345
Cabin Units Cap. FeeFeeFee
Anchorage (Yurts)30$45 $65 $100
Sherwood (Cabins)40$50 $75 $110
Tanglewood (Treehouses) 32$55 $80 $115
Dingle4$25 $45 $55
Will Scarlette8$30 $50 $80
Tent Units Cap. FeeFeeFee
Birnhamwood28$40 $60 $90
Green Horizons16$20 $30 $45
Tyro24$35 $50 $80
Enchanted Forest 16$10 $15 $25
Specialty Areas FeeFeeFee
Certifications Required    
Waterfront - Swimming $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Waterfront - Boating ** $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Archery Range $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$75 per 2 hour block
Challenge Course - Half Day  $25 $40 $75
Challenge Course - Full Day  $45 $70 $150
Snow shoes & Cross Country Skis $3 pp per day$6 pp per day$12 pp per day
Hatchet Throwing Lanes $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$50 per 2 hour block
Camp Skills Area (Axe Yard) $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$50 per 2 hour block
** Canoe Boating - Daisies only allowed with Adult in boat. Kayaking - Daisies NOT allowed.   * Weddings (last 2 wks of Aug & 1st 2 wks of Sept): Exclusive Use - $1,500/nite + any Speciality Areas

Jeff Hammerle is the Site Supervisor at Camp Bonnie Brae. He joined GSCWM in the fall of 2019.

Jeff has worked in property management and maintenance for 30 years. He grew up in Lee and has lived in Otis for 28 years with his wife and daughter. Jeff is an active member of the Otis Volunteer Fire Department and currently is the rank of Captain. He enjoys the outdoors and is looking forward to working with the Girl Scouts, volunteers and customers at Camp Bonnie Brae.

Jeff Hammerle
Site Supervisor
Camp Bonnie Brae
Cell:  413-475-0875

Camp Green Eyrie
American Camp Associated Accredited Logo Small

Explore everything Green Eyrie has to offer! Girls have been swimming, boat, roasting marshmallows and making new friends at Camp Green Eyrie, located in Harvard, since 1925. Challenge yourself and your team on our ropes course, have fun in the new Gaga Pit or take a shot at the archery range. Launch your kayak on Bare Hill pond, and then learn about the mysteries of water in the Sarah Hardy Science Center at Chenowith. Sing traditional camp songs around the fire, voyage into the forests and fields and play new and old games in the field.


To make a reservation use our online form.

Special weekend packages available to GSCWM service units. Contact us for more information,  Camp Green Eyrie- GSCWM GroupsCamp Green Eyrie- Other Council Groups/Non ProfitCamp Green Eyrie- Outside Groups
Max. Capacity - Day: 200 / Night: 190    
* Exclusive Use - Minumum Capacity is: 150 *Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $295*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $440*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $650
Winterized Bldgs Cap. FeeFeeFee
Dillon Lodge25$70 $105 $155
Dining Hall 30$75 $110 $165
w/ Institutional Kitchen 128$125 $185 $275
Non-Winterized Bldgs Cap. FeeFeeFee
Green2$10 $15 $25
Explorer4$15 $20 $35
Cove6$25 $30 $55
Health Center3$15 $20 $35
Tent Units Cap. FeeFeeFee
Adventure35$40 $60 $90
Cove35$40 $60 $90
Frontier30$40 $60 $90
Pine Hill35$40 $60 $90
Primitive Camping $20   
(bring your own tents)    
Specialty Areas FeeFeeFee
Certifications Required    
Waterfront - Swimming $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Waterfront - Boating ** $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Archery Range $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$75 per 2 hour block
Challenge Course - Half Day  $25 $40 $75
Challenge Course - Full Day  $45 $70 $150
Hatchet Throwing Lanes $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$50 per 2 hour block
Camp Skills Area (Axe Yard) $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$50 per 2 hour block
** Canoe Boating - Daisies only allowed with Adult in boat. Kayaking - Daisies NOT allowed.   

Thomas Stevens is the site supervisor for Camp Green Eyrie

Thomas Stevens
Site Supervisor
Camp Green Eyrie
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts
Cell:   413-475-0876

Camp Laurel Wood

Located in Spencer, enjoy swimming and boating on Stiles Reservoir, archery and games in the A-Field, and hiking to the Wesley Center. Be sure to check out our new Gaga Pit and learn new games.


To make a reservation use our online form.

Special weekend packages available to GSCWM service units. Contact us for more information,  Camp Laurel Wood- GSCWM GroupsCamp Laurel Wood- Other Council Groups/Non ProfitCamp Laurel Wood- Outside Groups
Max. Capacity - Day: 200 / Night: 120    
* Exclusive Use - Minumum Capacity is: 100 *Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $185*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $345*
Winterized Bldgs Cap. FeeFeeFee
Greene Lodge 45$85 $125 $180
Tent Units Cap.    
Shady Grove30$40 $60 $90
Teaberry30$40 $60 $90
Wildwood30$40 $60 $90
Specialty Areas FeeFeeFee
Certifications Required    
Waterfront - Swimming $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Waterfront - Boating ** $25 per 2 hours$40 per 2 hours$50 per 2 hours
Archery Range $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$75 per 2 hour block
** Canoe Boating - Daisies only allowed with Adult in boat. Kayaking - Daisies NOT allowed.   
Audrey Photo

Audrey Norris
Site Supervisor
Camp Laurel Wood
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts
Cell: 413-454-1320

Camp Lewis Perkins
American Camp Associated Accredited Logo Small

Located near downtown South Hadley, yet Camp Lewis Perkins feels like a world away. At camp, girls will have the chance to explore all that the fields, woodlands and trails have to offer. Play teambuilding games in the field, create art under the trees, enjoy the new Gaga Pit or learn to shoot a bow and arrow at the archery range. Take a dip in the in-ground pool, build your own campfire and spend an evening under the stars.


To make a reservation use our online form.

Special weekend packages available to GSCWM service units. Contact us for more information,  Camp Lewis Perkins - GSCWM GroupsCamp Lewis Perkins - Other Council Groups/Non ProfitCamp Lewis Perkins - Outside Groups
Max. Capacity - Day: 175 / Night: 62    
* Exclusive Use - Minumum Capacity is: 50 *Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $155*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $230*Exclusive Use of All Facilities: $345
Non-Winterized Bldgs Cap. FeeFeeFee
Dining Hall - Day Use 75$50 $75 $110
Troop House 8$25 $35 $55
Trading Post 4$15 $20 $35
Discovery Unit26$45 $65 $100
Gypsy Unit 28$45 $65 $100
Specialty Areas     
Certifications Required    
Pool - Swimming $75 for the weekend / $25 per weekday$110 for the weekend / $40 per weekday$150 for the weekend / $50 per weekday
Archery Range $25 per 2 hour block$40 per 2 hour block$75 per 2 hour block

Carolyn Porter is the Facility Manager for all the properties for GSCWM and directly supervises Camp Bonnie Brae. Carolyn has 12 years of leadership experience in three western Massachusetts municipalities’ Parks & Recreation Departments. She also has decades of experience in direct service leading recreation for children and adults in a wide range of settings. Carolyn enjoyed seven years of Girl Scouting and always felt at home at summer camp.  “It is a pleasure to serve girls and volunteers by caring for the properties as a way of passing on my joy of Girl Scouting.”

Carolyn Porter
Facility Manager
Camp Lewis Perkins
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts
Cell:  413-552-6294
Office:  413-584-2602

Looking for something to do while you’re on our properties? Camp improvement projects can be performed by Girl Scouts as a service project, or as part of earning awards. Looking for service project ideas? Check out the project ideas below.

If you have questions on how you can do a project at camp for a Highest Award contact Tammy Breen, Special Events & Projects Manager, by visiting our Highest Award Page.

Questions on hosting or developing a service project at camp not listed here or not for a Highest Award? Contact Carolyn Porter, Property Manager, at

Blissful Biffys

Clean and paint the stall doors of biffys (Clivis, latrines, or bathrooms) making them lighter, brighter and more fun to use.  Use your own artistic designs but it must be approved by Camp Ranger before you begin painting. 

Bush Whackers

Clear leaves, logs and debris off of existing trails.  Work with the site supervisor to mark trails so others can find their way.  If new trails are desired, work with caretaker of where and how to clear new trails. 

Bat and Bird Protector

Design and build bat boxes or nest boxes for camp bird and bat friends who help keep our misquote population low. Work with camp site supervisors for best location placement in camp.

Plant and Tree Growers

Work with site supervisor to determine the best native plants or tree for camp, work to develop plan to help our native plants or tree around camp or plant more. 

Buddy Benches

Design and build benches for around camp. 

Invader Detectives

Identify and find invasive species of plants at camp. Determine best way for them to be removed with the camp site supervisor and work to kick those invaders to the curb.

Brush Brigade

Work with site supervisor as to what needs painting at camp:  picnic tables, benches, latrines, porches.  Bring your supplies (paint color chosen by GSCWM) and clean up afterwards. 

Dirt Busters

Help beautify the camp by cleaning an assigned buildings or unit, washing windows, sweeping shelters and removing dust bunnies. 

Unit Set up

Help check out sleeping shelters by making sure all beds are neatly set up, wash and disinfect mattress. 

Hazard Hunters

Hike along existing trails and program areas and make note of possible hazards.  Find a way to correct or properly warn others of danger.  Let the site supervisor know of hazards you find and how you warned others of the danger until a permanent solution is found. 

Nature Identifiers

Using nature resources learn to identify nature.  For instance, identify trees by their leaves, bark and seeds.  Label identified trees in an environmentally safe manner.  Try to find trees of distinction at each camp:  oldest, biggest and ones with special interest.  Develop a program to encourage other troops to come out to camp to find these trees.  You must discuss your plan with the site supervisor to determine how the trees will be labeled and maintained after you are done.

Program Patrol

Working with the program department, help secure quality programming at our camps for troops use in the off-season.  Ideas include:  design hiking game and programs, develop a nature program, develop and maintain letter boxing, geocaching or compass course. You will get to develop pick up and go program kits to be used at camps.  Email with which camp you would like to create a program resource for and we will connect you with the program specialist to make your idea happen. 

Sop Moppers

Help spread wood chips, sawdust, gravel on trails to help eliminated mud puddles and soggy areas. 

Water Stoppers

Study the effects of soil erosion at camp.  Plant ground cover and make water bars across trails to keep our soil in place.  

Wood Warriors

Empty wood piles make terrible camp fires!   Re-stock the wood piles at each unit with kindling and wood.   For a more extensive service project, build a wood box for a camp unit or build benches and picnic tables for designated spots in camp. 

Ash and Log Policy

In the spirit of leaving the site in “ready for use” condition for the next group, here are guidelines for managing the fire pit/fireplace at your site.

  • Be sure the fire is out cold. It is ok to use water in an outdoor fire pit but not an indoor fireplace.
  • Remove unburned wood and leave near the fire circle, in the wood pile or place back in the fire circle or fire place after cleaning out excessive ash.
  • You should find 2 buckets at each fire pit. One for water and one for ash. Use the shovel to remove excess ash but don’t dig a hole. Put ash in the bucket. It is ok to leave this on site as is. However, if you have been on site for several days and have had numerous fires the one bucket may not be enough. Find the place along the perimeter of your unit where ash is collected and dump cold ash from the bucket into the pile and refill.