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Volunteer Recognition Awards

Showing appreciation for volunteers is a must. They put in extended time for the girls and often work extra hours on top of busy schedules and hectic lives. We love them for it and Girl Scouting wouldn’t be the same without them. Let’s be sure to shout it from the Girl Scout rooftops!

Click here for the Volunteer Recognitions Awards Grid with detailed descriptions of all formal GSUSA and GSCWM volunteer recognitions currently awarded at the council or national level.

Any Girl Scout adult member can nominate a troop volunteer as well as service unit or individual volunteers for an award.

Any adult can endorse a nominated adult member for an award.

If you have any questions about volunteer awards please contact Ginger Gordon

Every year we present awards to volunteers at our Annual Meeting & Volunteer Recognition celebration (usually held in the spring).

When and How to Recognize
Everyday little things go a long way. A card from the girls, handmade gifts, photo keepsakes – these are special ways for girls to say thank you and often times mean the most. Recognitions might be made on Girl Scout holidays, at service unit meetings, at troop meetings, at a special recognition events, immediately following services rendered, etc. When the recipient is recognized, it will make the expression of gratitude memorable.

Membership Anniversary Recognition Awards
The Membership Anniversary Recognition celebrates the total years of Girl Scout membership (girl and adult membership combined) an individual has held in any Girl Scout council, at five year intervals (5, 10, 15, etc.). Girl Scout adults who have reached milestones in membership of 20 years or more (20, 25, 30, 35, etc.) will be presented with a pin at the council’s annual recognition event. Adults who have been members for 5, 10, and 15 years will receive mention in the council’s recognition event program and a certificate. Individuals being recognized must hold a current Girl Scout membership. 

Formal Recognitions

Nominate your special outstanding volunteer for one of these National Awards. 

  • Appreciation Pin for outstanding service to at least one community 

  • Honor Pin for outstanding service to two or more communities

  • Thanks Badge for outstanding service that benefits the entire council or Girl Scout Movement.

  • Thanks Badge II for outstanding service council-wide or beyond having already received the Thanks Badge.

  • Volunteer of Excellence recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) through use of the National Program Portfolio; OR
    who contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery goals

  • President’s Award recognizes a service unit team who surpasses team goals and results in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.
    Contact for the nomination form and further information

  • The Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Medal awarded to volunteers and councils who have enriched and leveraged the global understanding of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to grow responsible global citizens. 
    Contact for the nomination form and further information.

  • Membership Anniversary Request recognizes years of membership in any Girl Scout council. 
  • Community Certificate recognizes an organization, business, or non-Girl Scout individuals that has developed a council-wide alliance that facilitates Girl Scouting on a significant level. Please contact Ginger Gordon ( with any questions about commuity certificates. 
  • Rising Star Award (formerly known as Volunteer Rookie Award) recognizes volunteers who have volunteered a minimum of 6 months to maximum of 18 months who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway.

  • Ever-Green Award for Volunteer who has previously been awarded the Appreciation Pin for giving exemplary service in support of the GSLE which has had continuous measurable impact on at least one geographic area of service. 

Girl Scout Leader Day
April 22 is official Girl Scout Leader day and honors all the volunteers who work as leaders and mentors in partnership with girls. Girls, their families, and communities should find a special way to thank their adult Girl Scout volunteers.  Appreciation can be shown on this special day and all through the year.