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Girl Scouts at Home_landingpage

Girl Scouts at Home allows us to continue offering quality programming to girls during this challenging time.

Every week, we will add virtual badge activities, programs, and resources for girls and families to engage with from home. These are all available to the public—no Girl Scout membership necessary.

GSUSA has launched their Girl Scouts at Home platform which also offers FREE Girl Scout programming for every age group.

GSUSA Girl Scouts at Home
Earn a Patch
Earn a Badge

Check our Activities Calendar for LIVE badge events.

Follow our virtual tutorials to earn Girl Scout badges!

Daisy (Grades K-1)
Outdoor Art Maker

Brownie (Grades 2-3)
Outdoor Art Creator

Junior (Grades 4-5)
Outdoor Art Explorer

Cadette (Grades 6-8)
Outdoor Art Badges: Meet an Artist
Trees Badge
Natural Navigator

Senior (Grades 9-10)
Outdoor Art Badges: Meet an Artist

Ambassador (Grades 11-12)
Outdoor Art Badges: Meet an Artist

Girl Scout Volunteer Resources

Zoom is an intuitive online video conferencing tool that can be used on laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It's a great way to bring real-time, face-to-face connections to virtual experiences—including virtual troop meetings.

If you would like to hold a virtual troop meeting for 40 minutes or less, you can use a free personal Zoom account. Learn more about hosting your own virtual Girl Scout troop meeting.

Troop parents & caregivers: View GSUSA's Keep Girl Scouts Going to learn how to help her shine outside of her regular troop setting.

Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Volunteer Bingo