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Adult Learning and gsLearn

We can’t change the lives of girls without YOU!

As a volunteer, you’ll introduce girls to new experiences that make every day feel like the best day ever! Because we want our girls to try everything they’ve ever dreamed, we give you the opportunity to take a variety of trainings to help them. 

Before a new leader starts changing the world, you need to:

Complete your registration, which includes a background check.

Get your feet wet with the GSUSA welcome video.

Adult Trainings
Basic Girl Scout Adult Trainings

Basic Girl Scout Trainings

Are you ready for some enrichment in a face-to-face learning environment? These in depth trainings provide extra support to help you make the Girl Scout troop experience safe and fun!

 New Leader Orientation (in-person or online) A required course designed for troop volunteers. This informative and interactive class is led by experienced volunteers who share their hands-on knowledge of leading a troop.

 First Aid/CPR/AED (in-person only) Earn your two-year certification in adult and pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED. This course meets the first-aider requirements for activities outside the troop’s regular meeting place.

Outdoor Training

Outdoor Training

There’s nothing like the great outdoors! Are you ready to go on your first ever outdoor adventure? Or maybe step it up and go tent camping? These outdoor education classes will get you ready and keep girls safe.

 Outdoor Basics (online self-study) Important for any adult volunteer who is coordinating, an outdoor experience for girls, this informative training provides information and resources for planning and implementing a safe and successful camping experience.

 Outdoor Cooking (in-person) This hands-on training introduces participants to a wide range of outdoor cooking techniques including no-cook, Ziploc bag, Dutch oven, foil, one-pot, stick, grill camp oven and solar.

 Outdoor Skills (in-person) Participants will be taught basic camping skills including fire-building, knife usage, essential knots, lashing, orienteering (map and compass skills), trail-blazing, sanitation and environmentally sound camping.

Award Training

Award Training

Ready to help your girls change the world? Learn more about the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards and how to help your girls transfer their passions into making a real difference in their community. Gold and Silver Award Trainings are primarily for girls but adults are always welcome to attend as support. The Bronze Award Training is required for adult volunteers planning to mentor their Girl Scout Juniors through the award process. However, girls may attend as well. Check out the Award Trainings here.

Service Unit Training

Service Unit Team & Facilitated Adult Learning Training

Are you feeling comfortable in your volunteer role and ready to take on greater challenges?  Share your expertise with others by serving on your Service Unit Team or earning your Facilitated Adult Learner certification. 

 Service Unit Team Training (online) This training is for adult volunteers who hold a Service Unit position or are interested in doing so. You will learn about the Service Unit team structure, essential functions, planning, management, inclusion, and outreach. You may view this training with your Service Unit Team, or on your own. 

 Service Unit Planning

 Service Unit Meeting Attendence

 Incorporating the GSLE into Service Unit Events

 Service Unit Budgets

Trip and Travel Training

 Domestic Travel (online self-study) Required for volunteers planning a domestic trip with a group of Girl Scouts, this training includes information on types of trips, budgeting, insurance, policies and procedures and risk management.

International Travel

This training is required for any volunteer planning an international trip with their Girl Scouts, and will ensure that you and your travelers have a safe and memorable experience.


Be sure to register for a course online here.

Questions, comments, ideas? We can’t wait to hear from you.  Contact the Training Team to have your voice heard!