First and foremost, each of us is responsible for our own health.
Additionally, we are responsible both to support those around us, and
to help keep others safe. Girl Scouting is all about community,
personal responsibility, and respect and caring for others. With that
in mind, here are our updated mask guidelines:
Per the Governor’s decision to lift the indoor mask mandate in Nevada, masks will no longer be required at council regardless of vaccination status. However, we do still recommend they be worn indoors whenever social distancing is not able to be maintained in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If an event is taking place at a business that requires masks, those rules MUST be followed. Additionally, it is at the discretion of Troop Leaders whether they choose to require masks at troop meetings, troop activities, and at cookie booths. For events taking place in California, masks are still required for those who remain unvaccinated. Masks will not be required for outdoor activities in Nevada or California. Finally, masks must be worn when girls are being transported to Girl Scout activities as a group. Please continue to abide by local guidelines, as they are subject to change as COVID cases rise or fall.
Please note, these changes in guidelines do not apply to council-led travel, overnight and/or international travel. For those activities, both vaccination and masking remain requirements.
As always, if a girl or adult volunteer feels more comfortable in a mask, that should be both honored and supported.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact