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Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada is currently allowing in-person gatherings. It is the responsibility of the Troop Leaders and Volunteers to follow and abide by their current local/county pandemic guidelines as well as the guidelines council puts forth below. GSSN makes every effort to keep up-to-date with the latest updates and will adjust our decision on in-person gatherings as necessary. 

If your Girl Scout has been excluded from school due to a COVID-19 exposure or positive diagnosis, she is not permitted to participate in in-person Girl Scout meetings or events until the end date of the quarantine period as stated in the communication from your girl’s school administrator.

Updated Mask Policy, Effective February 11, 2022

First and foremost, each of us is responsible for our own health. Additionally, we are responsible both to support those around us, and to help keep others safe. Girl Scouting is all about community, personal responsibility, and respect and caring for others. With that in mind, here are our updated mask guidelines:

Per the Governor’s decision to lift the indoor mask mandate in Nevada, masks will no longer be required at council regardless of vaccination status. However, we do still recommend they be worn indoors whenever social distancing is not able to be maintained in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If an event is taking place at a business that requires masks, those rules MUST be followed. Additionally, it is at the discretion of Troop Leaders whether they choose to require masks at troop meetings, troop activities, and at cookie booths. For events taking place in California, masks are still required for those who remain unvaccinated. Masks will not be required for outdoor activities in Nevada or California. Finally, masks must be worn when girls are being transported to Girl Scout activities as a group. Please continue to abide by local guidelines, as they are subject to change as COVID cases rise or fall.

Please note, these changes in guidelines do not apply to council-led travel, overnight and/or international travel. For those activities, both vaccination and masking remain requirements.

As always, if a girl or adult volunteer feels more comfortable in a mask, that should be both honored and supported.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Exposure Policy

The CDC has recently updated its recommendations regarding response to potential exposure to COVID-19:

For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, the CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days. Individuals who are vaccinated and have received their booster shots do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure. For all of those exposed, the CDC states that best practice also includes a test for COVID at day 5 after exposure. 


We know many of you have been frustrated by limitations put on travel this summer due to COVID-19 restrictions. To help alleviate some of that, we will allow parents and troop volunteers to transport girls to and from events. Please make every effort to adhere to distancing in vehicles. Masks must be worn while inside the vehicle and windows need to remain open throughout the trip to allow for proper ventilation.

Updated Council-Led Travel /Overnight Policy, Effective March 10, 2022

Per the most recent CDC guidelines, GSSN will now allow Girl Scouts to stay in the same room/tent with other Girl Scouts on council-led overnight trips regardless of vaccination status. This does not apply to international travel for which full vaccination status is still required. 

If the event is a troop or service unit-led program, then vaccination requirements are left up to the troops and service units.

Troop Camping, Travel, and Overnight Stays

If the families of your troop are in agreement to travel, and understand the inherent risks, overnight camping and travel is allowed with these stipulations:

·       Council approval is required for ALL travel and overnight activities by completing the Trip and High Risk Activity Application form. Please email for any assistance.

·       Continue to practice the Hygiene and COVID-19 Risk Mitigation guidance for all travel.

Click here for the Trip and High Risk Activity Application.

The following measures are to be taken:

·       Prior to departure, wellness checks must be made on all travelers including temperature checks and an assessment as to current symptoms of illness or exposure to a positive person during the last three days. If any of the questions on the assessment is answered in the affirmative, that individual may not go on the trip.

·       Mask wearing and sleeping arrangements are at the discretion of Troop Leaders and Girl Scout parents/guardians.

·       Handwashing and hand sanitizing stations must be made available at all times.

·       COVID release forms must be signed for all participants:

COVID Risk Acknowledgement Form

COVID Activity Waver

·       Additional insurance should be purchased for non-members. 

Click here for the activity insurance request form.

Advice for a successful trip

Travel plans are often arranged several months in advance and contingencies must be planned ahead of time for re-scheduling, cancelling, or pivoting to a virtual activity. For all planned trips, create a timeline and identify a final date when decisions must be made about whether or not to move forward with the planned trip, based primarily on the safety of our girls, along with financial commitment deadlines and/or other factors.  

Consider purchasing travel insurance and read all fine print and ensure COVID or pandemic related cancellation is covered; it is often excluded. Decisions about whether or not to approve troop travel or proceed with planned council-organized travel will be based on all current health and safety guidance available in our jurisdiction as well as for the destination jurisdiction to ensure the safety of girls.  

International Travel

  • Travelers must be fully vaccinated prior to departure. Copies of travelers COVID-19 Vaccination Cards must be provided to council staff.  
  • Travelers must take a mandatory COVID-19 PCR Test 72 hours prior to departure and receive a negative result
  • Travelers must agree and comply with the EF Tours Safe Traveler Agreement (agreement coming soon)
  • If a traveler is diagnosed with COVID-19 during the trip, the group will be quarantined and tested for COVID-19 in accordance to local guidelines. 
  • Travelers may be required to take a mandatory COVID-19 test withing 72 hours of returning home. A positive result from any member of the group may result in the entire group quarantined and required to extend their trip.  


The GSSN Shop is open. Click here to view shop hours.

Additional Information

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to change as infection rates rise and fall in different areas. Continue to follow local and national directives. Discuss plans with families and continue to check the GSSN COVID-19 page as we will update it as circumstances change. Please contact us at if you have questions or concerns.

GSSN has Virtual Friendship Troops available for girls to join. Each monthly meeting will have a badge focus. To register for a virtual troop, contact us at

Troop 3000 Daisy- meets the 1st Tuesday of the month, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Troop 3010 Brownie- meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Troop 3001 Junior- meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Troop 3011 Cadette, Senior, Ambassador - meets the 4th Tuesday of the month, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Please continue to check the GSSN Girl Scouts at Home page (click here), the GSSN Activities Calendar (click here), and the GSUSA Girl Scouts at Home page (click here) for fun, engaging activities that your Girl Scout can complete safely from home while connecting with other Girl Scouts in her council and across the country.

The ability to have in-person meetings is subject to change based on the actions of our school districts and local and state governments. GSSN is closely monitoring CDC and local health department guidelines.

We are actively seeking volunteers to lead our virtual friendship troops. If you are available to volunteer in this capacity, please contact for more information on trainings and resources. Further, GSSN and GSUSA have committed to offering enriching virtual programming for as long as it is necessary.

We may be re-thinking the way we Girl Scout, but our promise and mission remain the same. Both GSSN and GSUSA offer enriching, engaging, and educational resources for you and your Girl Scout to continue having a fun-filled and leadership-building Girl Scout experience. We hope you will visit to see the variety of virtual badges, patches, and activities available to keep your girl inspired and active during this time. We are excited to offer a re-imagined camping opportunity, guidance for virtual bridging, and more throughout the summer.

See below for FAQ and other resources:

Is the GSSN Shop open?

The GSSN Shop in Reno is open at 25% capacity (one shopper at a time.) The shop hours are as follows:

Wednesday 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The safest way to support your local shop is to shop online and have your order shipped to your door. The GSSN shop still receives the profit for online orders.

Do we need to spend all of our troop funds/the money we earned during the Girl Scout Cookie Program this year?

No, this money can be used through September 30, 2021. GSSN troops are not permitted to use troop funds to finance any troop-sponsored in-person events until further notice. Current graduating senior troops will have a one-year extension to use their troop funds. After September 30, 2020, all graduating members of the troop need to be renewed as an adult member in order to use the troop monies.

How can graduating Senior Troops spend their money?

Current graduating senior troops will have a one-year extension to use their troop funds.  After September 30, 2020, all graduating members of the troop need to be renewed as an adult member in order to use the troop monies.

Will Girl Scouts be allowed to complete lower-level badge work next year that they are unable to complete this year because of COVID-19?

Yes, Girl Scouts may complete any badge work below their current membership level through December 31, 2020, as all badge activities are designed to be age-appropriate. Girls should work with their troop leaders to make sure they are doing badge work that interests and excites them.

Are Girl Scouts allowed to have more time to complete their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award?

The Girl Award deadline for current age-level proposals, project completion, and final reports has been extended from September 30 to December 31, 2020. This is particularly relevant for 5th grade Juniors, 8th grade Cadettes, and 12th grade Ambassadors who will bridge to the next program age level or age out as a girl member officially on September 30, 2020, and typically would no longer be eligible to earn the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. Girl Scouts should have a project identified, an approved project in place, and be ready to take action no later than September 30, 2020. Girls will also have to be registered members, girl or adult, at the time their award proposal and/or final report are considered.

Virtual Troop Meetings and Events

Read this article from Girl Scouts about supporting your troop when you can't meet in person.

Troop parents & cargeivers: View GSUSA's Keep Girl Scouts Going to learn how to help her shine outside of her regular troop setting.

Be Prepared! Minimize Your Risk

The CDC has shared the following things you can do to minimize your risk of contracting any virus:

  • Stay home when you are not feeling well.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Be a Source of Comfort and Calm for Girls

Girl Scouts of the USA has developed a helpful resource for How to Talk to Your Girl About Coronavirus to help minimize stress and worry in your Girl Scout’s life and give her a sense of calm and control.

Thank you for your help in keeping Girl Scouts a safe, fun space for everyone! If you have questions about how the coronavirus may impact Girl Scout activities, please contact us.

Expert Guidance & Helpful Links

The Nevada Department of Health and the California Department of Health have issued precautions regarding events and gatherings. Individual organizations and community members will want to make their own decisions about specific events based upon many considerations. GSSN will continue to monitor the Nevada Department of Health’s website for any updates and guidance regarding events and gatherings and make any necessary adjustments to programming to follow their recommendations.