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2021 Fall Product Program

Sweets & Treats

Fall Sweets & Treats is one of two GSWCF-sponsored product programs. By participating, girls develop five key skills they will use throughout their lives: goal setting, decision-making, business ethics, people skills and money management.

The Fall Sweets & Treats Program is an Annual Program

Girl Scout families and friends can support a girl’s troop by renewing their favorite magazines, subscribing to new ones, and ordering nuts, chocolate and other exciting items!

Why Join The Fun?

The average troop earns nearly $250 in start-up money to fund troop activities that get their year started right! Plus, the items make cool holiday and teacher gifts.

Want More Info?

Please email our product program team for information about how to participate in the Fall Sweets & Treats program.

What you need to know for 2023

Important Dates

August 15: Training begins for Service Unit Fall Product Managers (available through gsLearn)

August 30: Training begins for Troop Fall Product Managers (available through gsLearn)

October 3: Fall Product Sweets & Treats begins

October 22: Fall Product Sweets & Treats ends

October 23: Last day for girls and troops to choose Girl Rewards

November 10-13: Troops pick up nut/chocolate items

November 10-22: Girls deliver products and collect funds from customers

Back by Popular Demand!

Start raising funds early in the year for troop programs, trips and girl goals. Troops will receive a troop bonus of $10 for each girl who:

· Activates her M2 store front

· Creates her avatar

· Sends 18+ emails through the M2 system

· Completes all the above by Oct. 13

The bonus will be distributed to qualifying troops by Oct. 31 through an ACH deposit into the troops’ bank accounts. Use this opportunity to kick off your troop activities and begin planning your year!


In order to participate in the Fall Product Sweets & Treats program, girls and volunteers must be registered for the Girl Scout 2023-2024 Membership YearRenew today!