Your Guide to Cookie Season
Read the new 2023 Volunteer Cookie Guide for everything you and your troop needs.
With your help, girls can make their dreams come true with Girl Scout Cookies. They’ll learn five skills (goal-setting, decision-making, money management, people skills, business ethics) for life while having a lot of fun along the way. This page will have everything you need to make your Cookie Season quick, easy, and fulfilling.
Read the new 2023 Volunteer Cookie Guide for everything you and your troop needs.
Jan. 4: Cookie program begins. First day girls/caregivers can access digital cookie.
Jan. 16: Troop Starting Inventory Order (SIO) and initial reward order due.
Jan. 17: Service Unit confirmation of SIO and initial rewards due by 11:59 p.m.
Jan. 30–Feb. 3: Cookie Booth Scheduler rounds.
Feb. 4: Girls begin Cookies on the Spot, Lemon-Ups stands, and mobile booths.
Feb. 4–6: Cookie delivery weekend.
Feb. 9: Cupboards open (hours of operation vary by location).
Feb. 17: Cookie booths begin! Bling Your Booth contest begins.
Feb. 23: First ACH sweep.
Feb. 27: Direct ship begins through Digital Cookie.
Mar. 1: Last day customers can choose girl delivery.
Mar. 3–5: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend.
Mar. 6: Last day to request adding girls to eBudde.
*NEW* Mar. 7: Last day to enter the Bling Your Booth contest.
Mar. 9: Second ACH Sweeps.
Mar. 10: Cupboards close.
Mar. 12: Cookie program ends (paper and online sales).
Mar. 19: Last day for troop to enter final rewards, enter troop-to-troop transactions. Deadline for J/C/S/A troops to opt out of rewards.
Mar. 20: Outstanding caregiver/parent information due.
Mar. 21: Service Unit lock-out at 11:59 p.m., submit final reward order.
Mar. 30: Final ACH sweep.
Rewards sent to Service Unit for distribution to troops.
Have a parent or troop leader submit it today for a chance to see your story featured on our Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more!