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Planned Giving

The Juliette Gordon Low Legacy Society is a special group of friends who have made the commitment to share their legacy with the next generation of Girl Scouts.

You become part of this distinguished group when you leave a gift in your will, trust, or other account for Girl Scouts.

As a member of the Juliette Gordon Low Society, you will receive:

  • Recognition as a member of the Society.
  • Invitations to special events hosted by Girl Scouts.
  • Updates about the work of Girl Scouts, nationwide and in your community.
  • The joy of knowing that your gift will impact girls for future generations.

If you have already included Girl Scouts of West Central Florida in your estate plans, please let us know.  We would like to recognize you for your generosity with our other Juliette Gordon Low Society members. 

To learn more, please click here to access GSUSA resources on ways you can make a difference in the lives of girls through a gift in your estate plan.

Sample Language and Legal Information

If you are ready to make this wonderful and lasting commitment to Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, the following language may help you and your attorney when drawing up a bequest that meets your needs.

“I give to Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, located in Tampa, Florida, or its successor, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Legal name: Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Address: 4610 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa, FL 33634

Federal Tax ID number: 59-0624454