CEO Girl Advisory Board
The CEO Girl Advisory Board is a vibrant group of 30 Girl Scout Cadettes through Ambassadors from across the council. The board comes together throughout the year to provide ideas, guidance, and girl-driven recommendations to the chief executive officer and staff of Girl Scouts of West Central Florida.
What does the girl advisory board do?
The board will discuss everything about Girl Scouting:
- What programs should be offered?
- How do we attract more members?
- What are your ideas to increase awareness of Girl Scouting?
- How can Girl Scouts increase our impact on the world around us?
- And so much more!
Members of the board will make recommendations to our Chief Executive Officer, and share their ideas with her. Occasionally advisory board members will be asked their opinions by staff members working on specific projects.
The advisory board exists to make sure that our girls’ voices are heard! Advisory board members make their voices heard to the staff of GSWCF, as well as learn to share their Girl Scout story with their greater community.
Am I eligible to apply?
If you are a registered girl member of Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, and a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador, you are eligible to apply!
Applications are accepted until Sept. 14, 2022. Candidates will be notified in October. Apply now!