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Adult Training

Welcome to your one-stop training spot! Here you will find a breakdown of all trainings - both essential (required), and enrichment learning courses!

If you'd like to take an in-person training that you don't see on the schedule, please email the Adult Learning manager. Be sure to Include the name of the training that you would like to take. 

Webinar Process: In order to best serve volunteer training record needs, webinars are now available by registration through gsLearn. Go to the "MyAccount" tab, and enter "gsLearn" where you will find webinars listed in the “Content Library.” You will be able to view the webinar and print your certificate of training completion from within gsLearn. It will also appear in your member records. 

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There are different options to take training courses to fit into your busy schedule:


On Demand Training Webinars - these are available anytime, you can take them at your leisure. Many are listed on this page, but you can find them all in gsLearn!

   Training Sessions - we offer a variety of in-person, hands-on trainings to enrich your Girl Scout experience and knowledge! You can find and register for these events in gsLearn. 

Note: If you do not see any available sessions for a training you are interested in taking, check back frequently as we are often adding opportunities to gsLearn.

Required (Core) Trainings to be a Troop Leader or Co-Leader   

If you want to be a Troop Leader or Co-leader

 320 Let's Work Together, New Leader Quick Start– Adults will be introduced to GSWCF, how to communicate and engage parents and caregivers, create a Troop Team, and conduct the Parent/Caregiver Meeting. Required training for New Leaders. Take this training within three months of meeting with your Troop. 

320 Let's Get Organized, New Leader Quick Start– Adults will learn about the structure of support for leaders at the local and council levels, how to keep the troop organized with use of key required documents and the Volunteer Tool Kit, plus information about Girl Scout Uniforms.  Required training for New Leaders. Take this training within three months of meeting with your Troop. 

320 Let's Be Girl-Led, New Leader Quick Start– Adults will learn about aspects of understanding girls, choosing specific Girl Scout Level(s) pertinent to them.  Additional subjects highlighted are creating a Safe Space, the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (the “what” and “how” girls experience the Girl Scout program), Troop Management Tips and Leader/Daughter Survival Tips. Required training for New Leaders. Take this training within three months of meeting with your Troop. 

320 New Leader In-Person Orientation - This will be your in person introduction to your local Girl Scout Service Unit. A Service Unit Volunteer will meet with you to help answer questions, assist with paperwork and account setup, and familiarize you with local Girl Scout activities, events, and opportunities. Expect someone from your Service Unit to reach out to you shortly after your background check has been processed and cleared to schedule your orientation.

If you want to leave your meeting place with your troop

320 Traveling Troops Webinar - Troop Travel is defined as anytime the troop meets outside of the usual meeting location. A minimum of one adult member per troop needs this training while on the trip. In this webinar, you will learn progression in Girl Scout travel, girl and adult roles in planning trips, required documents and basics on finances and budgeting as well as guidance on how to respond to emergencies. Please note: Traveling Troops training taken before January 2021 is no longer current. The updated course is a requirement for existing and new troops beginning June 2021.

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If You Want A First Aider For Troop Activities

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If you want to be a Troop Helper

These trainings are recommended if you want to be a Troop Helper.

320 Let's Be Girl-Led, New Leader Quick Start– Adults will learn about aspects of understanding girls, choosing specific Girl Scout Level(s) pertinent to them.  Additional subjects highlighted are creating a Safe Space, the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (the “what” and “how” girls experience the Girl Scout program), Troop Management Tips and Leader/Daughter Survival Tips. Required training for New Leaders. Take this training within three months of meeting with your Troop. 

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


Additional Resources for Leaders & Troop Helpers

Successful Leader Learning Series:  These webinars are designed to enhance your understanding as a leader or troop helper, in working with girls and being involved in Girl Scout troop management.

  • GSUSA Foundation 1: The Girl Scout Way
  • GSUSA Foundation 2: The Girl Scout Leadership Experience
  • GSUSA Foundation 3: Well-Being & Development
  • GSUSA Foundation 4: Understanding Troop Operations

GSUSA Volunteer Toolkit Tutorials – series of quick video modules to assist you in utilizing the resources within the VTK.

320 Zoom Virtual Troop Meetings – Getting Started – a how to webinar on how to navigate Zoom, specifically when working with girls for troop meetings or other activities.

GSUSA Zoom for Virtual Meetings – series of quick video modules to help you navigate scheduling a meeting through different features within Zoom.  These are webinars produced by Zoom.

320 Tips for Troop Leaders, Virtual Meetings, Daisy & Brownie – a terrific webinar with specific hand-on information for actionable items to use in virtual troop meetings for Daisy and Brownie levels.

Outdoor Trainings 

If you want to take girls camping.

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!



GSUSA Girl Scouts in the Outdoors - This training will allow groups to participate in community, region and council sponsored outdoor activities when and where fire and food are provided at the event being attended. This training will not cover participants learning fire building skills. This training is required prior to attending an encampment where food and fire are provided. This training is a prerequisite for BOLT.  


320 Basic Outdoor Leadership Training (BOLT) - This course provides basic outdoor instruction for getting girls outside and interacting with nature. You’ll receive lots of helpful hints for their first outdoor experiences and avoid some common pitfalls. Stepping Out training (listed above) is a prerequisite for BOLT.

If you want to do more advanced camping.

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!



320 Advanced Camp Training - Take your camping experience one step further. Learn about tent camping, girl/adult partnerships, advanced outdoor cooking skills, planning and preparedness skills, and gain an understanding of the Leave No Trace principles. BOLT is a prerequisite for Advanced Camp Training.

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!

If you want to take girls primitive camping, hiking, or backpacking.

320 Wilderness Training I, II & III Series - Want to take Girl Scouts on trips into the wilderness, including hiking on the Appalachian Trail? This course is made up of three training sessions which can each be taken separately from each other, but in consecutive order.Certification requires the completion of all three. Advanced Camp Training (listed above) is a prerequisite for Wilderness Training.

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!

If you will be less than 30 minutes from EMS you'll need: 

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!



If you will be more than 30 minutes from EMS you'll need: 


320 Wilderness First Aid Training - In this 2 day course, you will learn to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care if 30 minutes or more away, learning what to look for and what to do in the event of an emergency. . This course is designed for those who will travel with girls to remote locations. This course meets the requirements of Level 2 First Aid as outlined in Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints.  

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!


If you want to teach girls archery.

320 Archery Level 1 Certification - Learn how to safely handle bows, arrows, and manage your Girl Scouts at the same time!

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If you want to take girls swimming.

320 Lifeguard Training - This 4 day course provides certification by the American Red Cross to serve as a lifeguard. You will learn teamwork, rescue, and surveillance skills. First Aid/CPR/AED are a part of this class. This course is for those who are already strong swimmers.

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!


Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If you want to take girls canoeing or kayaking.

320 Small Craft Safety: Canoe & Kayak Certification - Develop the skills to self-rescue and assist others. Practice small craft safety emergencies. This course is for adults who are swimmers and are skilled in canoe and kayak handling techniques.

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If you want to use the kiln.

320 Ceramics (Kiln) Training - Learn the stages of ceramics from green ware to glazed pieces. Participants will pour molds, fire kilns, and explore the Safety Activity Checkpoints. This training course is required for anyone using the kiln facilities at Girl Scouts of West Central Florida camps.

Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added!

Plus Sign Icon   Adult Training: CPR/FA Certification - This course provides knowledge and skills for emergency life-saving techniques involving infants, children, and adults. This is the required certification needed for Troop First Aider role. The Troop First Aider is an adult background-checked member who is certified in first aid / CPR and accompanies the troop/group on activities. Highly suggested for Troop Leader and Troop Helper roles.


Check back frequently as new sessions are often being added to our event calendar!


If you want to enhance your troop's outdoor experience.

GSUSA Outdoor Videos for Volunteers - Use these videos to give girls a sense of empowerment in the outdoors, show them how to use natural resources more wisely (including respecting our environment and wildlife), and help them become lifelong stewards of the land and our natural resources. There are no certificates for these enrichments.

Step by step: Developing Outdoor Skills in Girls

Taking the Journeys Outside

Planning Your Troop’s First Campout

Introduction to Campsite Set-up

Introduction to Cooking Outside

How to Leave No Trace Outdoors

Outdoor Songs and Games

Introduction to Fire Building

If you want to teach girls pocket knife safety and use.

320 Pocket Knife Safety & Use Training – This course is required for adult members to work with girls on Pocket Knife Safety and use.  It prepares adult members  to learn knife safety to train girls with these skills and to be able to present to the girl upon completion of her knife safety training, the Pocket Knife/Jackknife Safety Pledge Certificate.  Check out the Pocket Knife Safety Patch program for girls too!

Topic-Related Learning Opportunities   

If you want to guide girls through a Journey or High Awards Project.

320 Take Action - This training describes the roles adult leaders take when guiding girls toward earning their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, and Journey Take Action projects. Participants will learn the benefits of take action projects and we will examine the roles of volunteers, girls, and the council while completing these projects.There is no certificate for this training.

Please refer to the following resources to accompany the webinar:

Take Action Webinar On Demand Booklet

Bronze AwardSilver Award, & Gold Award Volunteer Guides

Adult Enrichments

If you want to help girls learn about wildlife, marine life, and conservation.

 320 Project WILD/Aquatic WILD Certification- In partnership with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, discover how to facilitate girls learning about wildlife and marine life. Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program emphasizing wildlife designed for both traditional and non-traditional educators of all age levels. This training consists of hands-on activities that help you teach girls how to think not what to think about wildlife and the environment.

This enrichment will include a Project Wild and Aquatic Wild course book and certificate. 2 certifications in 1 training!

If you want to support a youth experiencing a mental health challenge.

320 Youth Mental Health First Aid-  In partnership with FL-AWARE, participants are introduced to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health issues in youth, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, ADHD, behavior disorders, and substance abuse. This training emphasizes early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help a youth who is experiencing a mental health challenge. Participants will not learn to diagnose or provide therapy or counseling, but will learn a 5 step action plan to support a youth developing signs of an emotional crisis. 

Participants will receive a training manual and certificate.

If you want to attend an Adult Enrichment Weekend

 Showcase of Skills-Camp Greenblood

Join us January 27-29, 2023 for Showcase of Skills-Camp Greenblood. The weekend is jam-packed with hands-on activities and skills of all kinds to help you enhance your girls' experiences, share ideas and network. Email for more information.

If you want to effectively communicate and solve conflict.

Content for this webinar is being updated, and will be available within gsLearn before Sept 1, 2020.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  


 Trainers Needed - To best serve more than 7,000 adults who serve more than 20,000 girls, dedicated volunteers like you are always needed to become council Adult Trainers. Let us know if you'd like to help support our efforts.