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Event Registration for September 22 - January 2023 Starts August 10

Welcome to our new gsEvents registration system. This system is the easy, convenient way to register your girl(s), troop or group for any and all Girl Scout council-sponsored events, activities, and programs.

GSCI has transitioned to a new registration system called gsEvents which is linked to your MYGS account.

Registration for events from September 2022 to January 2023 opens August 10, 2022 at 8:00 a.m.

Click here to view upcoming events on our Calendar.

Click here for a quick user guide to gsEvents.

Adventure Guide for September 2022 - January 2023

Girl Scouts love adventures. Girls will experience a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects. She’ll be inspired to discover her talents and passions in a safe and supportive all-girl setting. She’ll join with other Girl Scouts and people in her community—and together, they’ll take action to change the world.

Big Tap Campout - September 24-25

Come one, come all to the greatest festivities at camp! Join hundreds of other Girl Scouts at this . Enjoy the fun as you play games, have cotton candy, get your face painted and more! Of course, enjoy all your camp favorites too like singing around the campfire, boating, tie-dye and archery. You can even sign up for additional activities to fly through the air on the zip line and take a ride around the ring at the barn. See you at camp!

Click here to register! The Big Tap Campout registration is on our DoubleKnot registration system.

Please note: Those wanting to do the climbing wall, zip line, or ride horses must pre-register online and pay an additional fee per activity. These sessions go fast and space is very limited, so register early!

Horseback Riding Session Links:

Zipline Session Links:

Rock Wall Session Links:

What You Need to Know About gsEvents


Registrations for events is completed through the online registration system through MYGS. All registrations are online. No phone or paper registrations will be accepted. Online registrations guarantee your spot in the event.

Registration for events is open for both troops and individual girls. Any girl is welcome to attend even if they are not active in a troop. (An additional fee of $25 will be added to the registration and the girl will be then become a Girl Scout member.)

Troops registering as a group must meet proper girl to adult ratios.

Girls attending individually must be accompanied by an adult.

If an adult, volunteer, parent is attending the event; they must register whether or not an adult fee is charged. Fees for girls and adults are listed in the description.

All registrations must have a valid email and phone number.

GSCI Registration Information Guide

Fees and Payments

Payment is due upon registration. The event system accepts credit and debit cards as payment. No spots will be held for girls, troops, or adults without payment.

Earned Cookie Dough/Nutty Bucks is accepted as payment. Registration spots are not complete until paid and processed. If paying for an event with Cookie Dough or Nutty Bucks, please contact Customer Care at 888-623-1237 during regular business hours (Mon – Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Fri – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) to assist you with processing your payment registration. If payment is not completed the spot is not held and another participant could claim your spot.

Fees for the event are non-refundable in the case of attendee(s) who cancel or do not attend the event. 


If the event or session does not meet the minimum registration by the deadline date, GSCI reserves the right to cancel the event with refunds to the payee of the event in the same form as payment. If payment was Cookie Dough/Nutty Bucks refunds will be given in the form of program credit to be used within the fiscal year ending September 30.

In the case of extreme weather, an event may be cancelled or rescheduled. If the event is cancelled, refunds will be given to the payee of the event in the same form as payment.

Refunds will not be given for participants who cancel on their own due to their own circumstances. Refunds will not be given to participants who do not attend the event.


Confirmation of registration can be seen in your MYGS account. Your upcoming events are shown on the right-hand side of your MYGS home page under My Events Dashboard. They will also appear on the My Events tab on the left-hand side of your MYGS home page.

Additionally, a confirmation will be emailed to all participants shortly after the closing registration date. If a troop leader registered girls in her troop, the leader receives the confirmation email. The email will contain any information and instructions for the event. If you do not receive a confirmation email for the event or do not see it in your MYGS, please contact Customer Care at 888-623-1237 or

Event Closing Dates

Event registration closes two (2) weeks prior to the event date or when the maximum number has been reached for the event.

Wait Lists

When events are full we do keep wait lists for the event. To be added to the event wait list, please contact Customer Care at 888-623-1237 or email

General Information

Troops are responsible for collecting permission slips and meeting the girl to adult ratio.

Girls attending individually must attend with an adult.

If you are attending a family event and a sibling or friend will be participating in the event, please register that individual.

If a family event is overnight, males can only sleep in quarters with other males or with their family members.

Girls are encouraged to wear their Girl Scout vest, sash or tunic to the event. We encourage girls to wear their uniform components proudly.

A tag-along is any child that does not meet the gender or grade level requirements for the event (siblings, friends, etc.) Tag-alongs detract from the needs and interests of girls participating in the event; therefore, tag-alongs are not permitted to attend the events unless the event is designated as a family event and open to all family members.

Girl Scouts embraces girls of all abilities, backgrounds, and heritage. Each girl – without regard to socioeconomic status, race, physical or cognitive ability, ethnicity, primary language, or religion – is an equal and valued member of the group. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the special needs of all participants to ensure all girls can participate.

Participants attending the event with special dietary or allergies must be sure to complete the registration information pertaining to this. Please be sure to notify us of any circumstances prior to the event.

Safety Activity Checkpoints

Safety Activity Checkpoints is a resource that provides the standard safety guidelines for Girl Scouts of the USA approved activities.

GSUSA, local councils, and other units holding a credential – including USA Girl Scouts Overseas – shall be responsible for seeing that all activities are planned and carried out in a manner that considers the health, safety, and general well-being of all participants in accordance with these standards.