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Cookie Volunteers

Resources for Volunteers

The 2022 season begins the next one hundred years of Girl Scouts selling cookies. This generation and future generations of Girl Scouts will continue to provide energy, creativity and ingenuity in making the Girl Scout Cookie Program the largest all girl-led business in the country.

Your most important function in preparing for the Girl Scout Cookie Program will be the time you spend with the girls in the troop. Through the cookie program, even the youngest Girl Scouts gain self-confidence and poise by learning how to greet customers and offer cookies for purchase.

The Troop Leader and Troop Cookie Coordinator should work closely throughout the sale and communicate the progress of the sale on a continuing basis. The  Troop Cookie Coordinator Guide is written to help you organize and conduct the most successful cookie campaign possible and has been designed to help you make the most of your time and energy. Please take the time to thoroughly review the new updates to the program, general facts, important dates, guidelines, procedures, and forms provided. This guide should answer most of your questions. Additionally, all Troop Cookie Coordinators/Troop Leaders must complete the Troop Cookie Coordinator Agreement.

A Direct Sale format will provide your troop more opportunity in sales and troop profit. Girls will earn Cookie Dough and recognitions throughout the entire program, including during Cookie Booths. 

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a great responsibility - it could not happen without you. We are confident you will find the experience to be both enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you for your support and dedication to the success of the program.