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Volunteer Resources


Below are resources to help our volunteers continue to support girls of courage, confidence and character. Should you have any questions about these resources or your next steps as a volunteer, contact or call 888-623-1237 for assistance.


MYGS Member Account Management System

The member account management system is the “go to” portal for troop leaders and parents/caregivers to manage member information.

For troop leaders it is a one-stop-shop to handle just about everything they need to do to assist them with troop management as well as their family membership management.

This system is also available to parent/caregiver of their girl.

Managing Your MYGS Account of Leaders

How to Access MyGS on a Smartphone

Background Checks

We understand that the confidentiality and security of personal information is a high priority for you. All volunteers are required to complete a background check and are asked to provide their social security number and date of birth to Asurint via a secure Internet page for a criminal background check.

Asurint, a premier provider of background and employment / volunteer screening used nationwide, ensures complete privacy of all solicited information. Your information will be seen and used only by Asurint and only to complete a background check; this information is not shared with any other person or organization.

When you register as a volunteer you will be prompted to complete a background check.

Participation Catalog

The Participation Catalog in an online listing of opportunities for girl and adult members.

It’s a lot like shopping online, something we’ve all done at some point, right?  The Participation Catalog makes it easier for parents and caregivers to search for troop openings by zip code. It also makes it easier for troop leaders to advertise ways for family members to get involved in their troop. Troop leaders will receive an instant email notification (with contact information) when a new member joins the troop or a parent or caregiver expresses interest in volunteering.

Learn more about the Participation Catalog.

Volunteer Toolkit

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is a digital resource that supports troop leaders and co-leaders, making the process of running a troop easier and more efficient. Check out some of the toolkit’s top features below. Then watch the video playlist above for a detailed walk-through. Learn more about the advantages of the VTK!

The Bridge

GSCI Bridge
You asked and we delivered! GSCI is proud to launch The Bridge, the newest resouirce for leaders and families. The Bridge is the link to community partners throughout the councill that can help girls earn badges, and fun patches. Want your girl(s) to earn a badge but don't know how to lead them through it? No problem! Let our community partners help! Check it out at

If you know of anyone who would like to be included in The Bridge, please email us at


All your Girl Scout forms in one place. From Volunteer Essentials to Safety Activity Checkpoints, Grade Level Jump Starts for meetings to Membership Registration forms and Financial forms. Access all kinds of forms and documents in place.

Volunteer Awards

The heart of Girl Scouting is our indispensable volunteers who make it all possible!

Because volunteers contribute their time and skills in many ways, there are several Adult Awards that are available to recognize their efforts.

Nominations are accepted year-round and are reviewed by the Awards Committee at the end of January for board approval on the 2nd Tuesday of February. Deadline for 2020 Adult Recognitions is January 18, 2021

Learn more about Volunteer Awards.

Troop Spotlight
Fill out my online form.
Spirit of Juliette Award

We know you are doing extraordinary things with and for your girls, why not get credit for it? We are introducing an award system so you can show that you are doing great things! Complete this form and let us know what you are doing. 

Each activity is worth a specific number of trefoils. For every 10 trefoils you earn, you will receive a patch/charm. The patch is earned for the first 10 trefoils. Every 10 trefoils after that will earn you a charm. The form shows how many trefoils each activity earns. Once you have earned enough trefoils to get you to the next level, submit the form and we will send you your award. 

Want an easy way to keep track of your total number of trefoils? Print this form and keep track of the great things you are doing.   

To be included in the Award Program at the annual meeting and participate in the May Regional Ceremonies, paperwork must be turned in by February 15. 

Please email all completed forms to Vicki Harber at For more information contact Vicki Harber at 888-623-1237 ext. 1306.

Spirit of Juliette Award

Virtual Troop Meeting Playbook for Leaders

Virtual Meetings are the new frontier to encourage, support, and engage girls in being leaders in their own lives.  We predict that virtual meetings will soon become a regular feature in a hybrid troop experience. We can see leaders and girls leveraging online meetings for talking and planning, followed by in person get-togethers for fun and learning experiences, when it's possible.

Virtual Troop Meetings Can Allow Girls to Learn so Much More!  

Virtual Meetings are the new frontier to encourage, support, and engage girls in being leaders in their own lives.  We predict that virtual meetings will soon become a regular feature in a hybrid troop experience. We can see leaders and girls leveraging online meetings for talking and planning, followed by in person get-togethers for fun and learning experiences, when it's possible.

Although troop meetings are traditionally an in-person format, we are quickly learning the power of having virtual learning and engagement opportunities at our ngertips. Imagine having your Girl Scout’s troop do a Zoom chat with a Zoo Keeper in Australia or a Girl Guiding Troop in the United Kingdom.  Even if we don't travel, we can still meet new people learn new things.

This guide can assist you with all aspects of meeting virtually.

Green Space Usage for Troop Meeting

Green Space usage will be available beginning September 8, 2020. Green space use will be free for all Girl Scout troop meetings, but must be reserved in advance of each meeting to ensure usage by only one group at a time. Reservations may be made beginning September 1, 2020. Space can be reserved on our property and events site, or by calling 888-623-1237.

Instructions for reserving Green Space

The required GSCI COVID-19 Training must be taken by all troop leaders and adult volunteers prior to the troop meeting. The training is found in gsLearn, which can be accessed through MY GS in the upper right hand corner of the GSCI website. The direct link to the training is here. Contact  or 888-623-1237 for help accessing the training.


An outdoor Meeting space with at least 2 picnic tables and an open area for activities.

  • A hand washing station
  • One large trash bag
  • Sanitizing wipes or spray

Note: Bathrooms will only be provided at camps, not the service centers.


  • Each person shall wear a mask and be socially distant (at least 6’ feet apart).
  • Bring hand sanitizer and use regularly during the meeting.
  • Take care not to waste supplies provided and leave for the next Girl Scout group.
  • Take trash to the dumpster on-site prior to departure.
  • Sanitize all high-touch surfaces before starting the meeting and at the conclusion of your meeting.
  • Leave the site cleaner than you found it.
  • Follow all guidelines outlined in the GSCI  COVID-19 training