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Troop Leader Blueprint for an Amazing Year

Your Blueprint for an Amazing Troop Year

New troop year? Bring it on!

Keep your troop going strong with these specially adapted badges, Journeys, and activities for virtual and safe in-person meetings, as well as current COVID-19 Compliance and resources. We’re here to support you as you help your troop thrive.

Program Ideas and Adaptations​

Power a fun-filled troop year with this curated selection of badges, Journeys, and activities to help you throughout this troop year.

Select a grade level
Multi-Level Troops

Training and Planning Tools
Local Support and Training

Girl Scouts of Central Illinois has several trainings to support you through your volunteer committment. 

Basic Leader Training - This is one of your first trainings. A membership staff person will sit down with you either in person or virtual to guide you through the basics of being a leader and volunteering.

gsLearn - This is an online learning platform that houses a variety of learning modules that can be completed at your own pace. This learning can be done on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Volunteer Essentials - This new digital edition of our Volunteer Essentials guide is designed to support busy troop leaders on-the-go. You can easily find what you need to get started on your Girl Scout journey and search for answers throughout the troop year. Think of Volunteer Essentials as your encyclopedia to Girl Scout volunteering: it’s here when you need it, but there’s no need to read it all today.Volunteer Toolkit

Events Calendar - This calendar lists all the upcoming volunteer trainings available to you.

For more information please contact our  Customer Care at 888-623-1237 or

Meeting Planning Tools

Check out these tried-and-true resources from fellow troop leaders who successfully adapted their meetings for in-person-safe and virtual settings.

Planning Activities

These volunteer-generated ideas can you help adapt to any meeting environment. You can also visit the program level pages above to view adaptations for specific badges and journeys.

Connecting with Families
COVID Guidelines

COVID-19 Compliance  - Updated April 20, 2021

This  guidance is being provided as of the Edition Date above (when a vaccine has not been made readily available). Girl Scouts of Central Illinois may modify this guidance, from time to time as circustances change.

Check our council’s current COVID Compliance (updated April 20, 2021) before planning any troop activities.