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Summer Camp

Registration for Summer Camp 2023 is OPEN!

Open the menus below to see the summer camp programming being offered in 2023, divided by grade levels.

Click the green Register button below to be taken to registration. Spots fill up quickly so it’s best to register early! 

Rising 1st-3rd Graders

Camper Sampler
Girls in a Camper Sampler program will get to participate in a sampling of the following activities during their 3-day stay: badge work, crafts, swimming, and lake-front activities. This program is designed for girls to make new friends and try camp for the first time!
Price: Members $350 | Non-members $450

  • June 11-13
  • June 14-16
  • June 18-20
  • June 21-23
  • July 9-11
Rising 2nd-8th Graders

Aquatic Adventure - June 11-16
This week is for our water lovers! Campers will participate in plenty of water-themed activities and get extra time on the lake, all while still getting their feet wet with traditional camp activities. Juniors and Cadettes will even get to construct and race their own rafts! 
Price: Members $650 | Non-members $750

Glamping - June 18-23 
This week is perfect for campers who want to make spending time outdoors a little more glamorous! Campers will form new friendships while enjoying a spa night, relaxing by the pool, and learning how they can make the world a more beautiful place. In addition to participating in traditional camp activities, campers will stretch it out with morning yoga, explore natural resources by creating unique works of art, and make a lasting impact on the environment by making the Girl Scout Tree Promise and planting their own trees!
Price: Members $650 | Non-members $750

Camp Chef - June 25-30
This theme is the perfect week for our chefs-in-training! Campers will spend time in our camp kitchen, learning cooking skills to impress their friends and families, and take a deeper dive into cooking in the outdoors. Campers will sample everything they make and take recipes home to try in their own kitchens! 
Price: Members $650 | Non-members $750

Adventure Girls - July 9-13
This week is full of fun challenges & exploration to help girls discover their sense of adventure! Build confidence and leadership skills through team building activities and fun camp quests.
Price: Members $550 | Non-members $650

Mad Scientist - July 16-20
This week is for the girls who are curious, like to question the world around them, and wonder what happens if you mix two things together. Girls will get to experiment and learn about the world around them.
Price: Members $550 | Non-members $650

Space Cowgirl - July 23-27
Do you appreciate the great outdoors and like getting your hands dirty, but are also curious about the sky up above? This week lets girls dive into the Wild West while also exploring space from the comfort of camp with all sorts of crafts and other fun activities to make them an official Space Cowgirl!
Price: Members $550 | Non-members $650

Rising 4th-5th Graders

Camper Sampler
Girls in a Camper Sampler program will get to participate in a sampling of the following activities during their 3-day stay: badge work, crafts, swimming, and lake-front activities. This program is designed for girls to make new friends and try camp for the first time!
Price: Members $350 | Non-members $450

  • June 25-27
  • June 28-30
  • July 23-25

Horse Camp - July 16-20
This program is for our horse loving girls! Girls will visit neighboring barns and learn all about horses.
Price: Members $850 | Non-members $950

Rising 6th-8th Graders

Horse Camp - June 11-16
This program is for our horse loving girls! Girls will visit neighboring barns and learn all about horses.
Price: Members $950 | Non-members $1,050

Adventure Team - June 18-23
The A-Team is for our middle school girls who just want to get outside: white water rafting, climbing at the climbing tower, and more!
Price: Members $950 | Non-members $1,050

Camper Sampler - July 16-18 
Girls in a Camper Sampler program will get to participate in a sampling of the following activities during their 3-day stay: badge work, crafts, swimming, and lake-front activities. This program is designed for girls to make new friends and try camp for the first time!
Price: Members $350 | Non-members $450

Rising 8th-10th Graders

Adventure Out! - July 9-13
During Adventure Out! campers sleep in camping hammocks provided by the camp in a primitive outdoor unit with access to potable water. Each camper will be able to participate in traditional camp activities in the morning with other campers and then go back to their unit for activities that teach skills such as knife usage, lashing, wild facility use, campfire cooking, and more. Dinner each day will be cooked in the unit while lunch and breakfast will be with the rest of the campers in the dining hall. This program is great for both beginner and experienced campers but is recommended for girls with at least one year of camp under their belts.
Price: Members $650 | Non-members $750

Rising 9th-12th Graders

Counselor-in-Training I - July 16-30
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) I is for rising 9th-12th graders to learn how to be a camp counselor and build on their leadership skills. CIT is an earned leadership award with Girl Scouts and is one of our most popular and fastest filling programs! Campers stay for 2 WEEKS in a three-season lodge on either a bunk bed or metal spring cot. Each camper is trained in leadership, team building, and partnership exercises. CIT I campers stay over one weekend, have access to laundry facilities, and are allowed to bring snacks and non-cell phone electronics. While at camp, CIT I campers will be mentoring younger campers but will also have the opportunity to participate in traditional camp activities.
Price: Members $750 | Non-members $850

Rising 11th-12th Graders

Counselor-in-Training II - June 11-30
Counselor-in-Training (CIT) II is for 11th and 12th graders to learn how to be a camp counselor. Girls will participate in and help facilitate most camp activities under the supervision of certified staff learning what makes a great camp counselor along the way! CIT II campers stay for 3 WEEKS in a three-season lodge on either bunk beds or spring metal cots. The campers stay over two weekends and have access to laundry facilities. CIT II campers are unique in that they can bring cell phones and are taught appropriate usage while at camp. They can also bring snacks and electronics in preparation for being a counselor. Campers MUST HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED CIT I BEFORE ATTENDING THIS SESSION.
Price: Members $850 | Non-members $950


Once you click REGISTER:

  1. You will be taken to the myGS page for Summer Camp registration
  2. Add the number of girls you are registering in the Open Girl Spots block
  3. If you are NOT already logged into myGS, Click "Log In" (Once logged in, you can continue with registration step #5)
  4. If you are logged into myGS, Click "Add Events"
  5. On this page you can select the camp program(s) you want to register for and then continue the registration process from there