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Volunteer Training


Girl Scout University provides professional enrichment and leadership development opportunities that empower our volunteers and fuels the Girl Scout movement.  GSU is focused on offering a variety of training topics that support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, as well as content that encourages the G.I.R.L. in each of us.  With training options that can seamlessly fit into to your busy lifestyle and meet everyone’s unique learning styles, we’re sure that GSU will provide you more than you need to grow in building girls of courage, confidence and character.  Be sure to check out our in-person, live webinar and on-demand Google Classroom offerings to find the class to best serves your needs. You’ll see options around Girl Scout content, personal and professional enrichments, as well as leader labs and special speaker series.  Don’t miss out on any of the great information that GSU has to offer!

Class is in session!

Girl Scouts Heart of the South utilizes Google Classroom to house some of its various online training options. To complete a training in Google Classroom, sign in to, click the “+” sign to join a class, and enter the class code listed in the training description. Once there, you will notice a few menu options across the top. To access the training, select “Classwork”. Here you will find all things related to topic, including recorded webinars, resources, forms, and more.

Required Volunteer Training

Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our girls.  First Aid/CPR training is a requirement for every troop so that everyone can be safe while having the fun adventures together.

Successful Leader Learning Series

GSUSA offers an online learning platform, designed for consistent and convenient training of volunteers across the global Girl Scout movement. We’re excited to invite our volunteers to complete their required training through this new platform.  The Successful Leader Learning Series (SLLS) is comprised of four modules. Get started at MYGS or view the FAQs.

Enrichment Courses

The council offers a number of enrichment opportunities for volunteers. Some of these include Crafts and SWAPs, Songs and Games, Ceremonies and Traditions and enrichment for the different grade levels.

Ceremonies and Traditions

Through this session, we’ll talk about how ceremonies and traditions are what connect us as Girl Scouts and make everything a little more special. You’ll learn what Investiture and Rededication, Court of Awards, and Bridging Ceremonies are, and how to facilitate each one. We’ll also share a few of our favorite Girl Scout traditions.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.


Crafts and SWAPs

Girl Scouting is designed to help girls grow into leaders of Courage, Confidence, and Character. Part of that process includes fun activities such as crafts made from recyclable items and creating great SWAPS. SWAPs are pins that Girl Scouts make to trade with each other to promote friendship.  

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.

End of the Year Ceremonies

Wondering how to close out your Girl Scout year? Join us as we discuss how to celebrate the successes of girls and contributions of parent volunteers, explore the Bridging awards and how they’re earned, and share creative ways to present earned recognitions to girls.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.


Engaging Parents

Engaging Parents: How do you get parents to be a part of the inspiring moments their girls experience as Girl Scouts? This session will provide some guidance on how to get parents involved, how to tap into their interests and skills, and how to partner with parents to provide a fun program that will result in lifelong memories for girls.

Take the class in Google Classroom! Google Classroom code: tu7hfu

Leader Lab - All Things STEAM

Leader Lab - All Things STEAM
We have an exciting Leader Lab on All Things STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) that will inspire you to take your troop on a deep STEAM dive!! You will learn what STEAM is, why it is important, the different STEAM badges available for your troop to earn, and learn about resources available to you to make it happen.

Take the class in Google Classroom! Google Classroom code:  sxao4yd

Managing Conflict

This session is designed to give volunteers the tools needed to diffuse conflicts that may arise within the troop, whether between girls or adults.  We will also offer ways that troops can limit the likelihood of challenging behavior and make a safe and happy troop environment.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.

Planning with Girls

As a leader, it may seem easier for you to make plans first and them consult with your girls; but girl-adult partnership, the cornerstone of Girl Scouting, is too valuable a step to skip. Girl planning helps each girl feel involved and provides them more opportunities to become responsible and self-reliant. This session will cover the girl/adult partnership, and what that means at each level in Girl Scouting. Some of the topics included will be troop government and budgeting with girls.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.


Songs and Games

Come and learn new and traditional songs and games that will bring tons of fun to your troop meeting.  Did you ever need a quick game in the heat of the moment to help your troop use some extra energy? Are your girls planning on going to camp?  Give them an edge by teaching them some of the popular camp songs. 

You can Download our Campfire Sing-A-Long Book and sing along with our program team on this Facebook video! - The video is sideways but at least you can hear the tunes to songs you're not familiar with!

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.

Take Action Projects

Curious about the difference between community service and Take Action projects? During this session, we’ll answer this question, and guide you through how to help girls make a lasting impact on their communities.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.

GSUSA also has a great video with a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient explaining the difference.  Check it out!

Troop Money Management

This session is designed to give volunteers a clear understanding of the process of troop money management.  Topics included are developing an annual plan and coordinating troop budget with girls, and revisiting and adjusting that plan and budget throughout the year.  We will also spend some time focusing specifically on Awards and Bridging Ceremonies, as well as, creative ways to present girl awards and recognize the contributions of troop volunteers.

Take the class in Google Classroom! Google Classroom code: pcf3xw8

Venturing Out

Traveling offers vast opportunities for girls to develop leadership skills, whether it be to the neighborhood park, a local museum or a trip cross-country. Learn how to best prepare for the adventures that come with attending events and visiting new places.

Submit a Training Request Form to request this training for your Service Unit or group - Click Here to Request Training.

Girl Scout Gold Award Training

The Girl Scout Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting. Open only to girls in high school, this prestigious award challenges you to change the world—or at least your corner of it, and be eligible for college scholarships, too. By the time she puts the final touches on her seven-step project, she'll have solved a community problem—not only in the short term, but for years into the future.   

This training will help guide girls, on their journey toward earning the Girl Scout Gold Award. Volunteers and Project Advisors are welcome to sit in with girls at no charge and learn about the requirements, the online portal, timing of projects, and deadlines.  

Training is MANDATORY for any girl who wishes to pursue earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.

Cost: $5

See calendar for upcoming Girl Scout Gold Award Trainings.

Outdoor Skills and Certifications

Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our girls.  First Aid/CPR training is a requirement for every troop so that everyone can be safe while having the fun adventures together.

Explore Outdoor Training

New Name and Online Training (formerly Event Camp License)! 
Explore Outdoor Training
This session is designed for those who want to take their troop/group to a camporee, Service Unit camp-out or council camp-out or an indoor camping facility, like one of our lodges. This training is designed for groups attending events where there is food service. You will not be trained on fire building or outdoor cooking. 

Take this class in Google Classroom!  Use class code:  j7pw5zu

C.A.M.P. Skills Training

Our awesome staff and volunteers have worked together to create a blended learning opportunity for our leaders to get CAMP skills training.

This training will cover CAMPING, ACTIVITIES, MEALS, and PAPERWORK you need to know to be a certified leader to take girls camping.

Training sessions are offered throughout the year and can be found on the Events Calendar.




Camporee Coordinator Training

Camporees are a fantastic time to gather girls from your service unit and spend the weekend at camp! They take planning, and preparation so we created a training just for them. In this training, you will learn about  the parts of the planning and implementation. You will also learn about the purpose of a camporee, guidelines for the camporee coordinator, how to submit a site reservation, rules and regulations to follow, and any forms that need to be completed and returned to the council. This training will help any service unit, large or small, to create lasting memories with their girls and each other, and have a great time in the outdoors. 

Take this class in Google Classroom!  Use class code: dr6kqn2

Program Aide Training - Leader Guide

As a Program Aide, girls serve as role models for younger girls! To achieve the Program Aide Award, Girls will need to earn their Leader in Action Award and then complete the Program Aide Training. Leaders can use this council approved guide to assist their girls in achieving the award.  Once complete, the girls will work with younger Girl Scouts over six activity sessions to complete the requirements for the Program Aide award. 

Take this class in Google Classroom!  Use class code:  4fujkcu

Program Partners

Girl Scouts are always looking for episodic volunteers known as Program Partners who can assist with existing program or the creation of new programming for girls in skill-building badge workshops, leadership development, and STEAM activities.  Program Partners provide their time and knowledge in areas they feel confident in to enhance the overall Girl Scout Experience.  The Girl Scout Program Team offers resources to assist Program Partners in development of the event or workshop and girls benefit from connections in the community and mentorship from generous leaders like you!

Overview the Program Partner specifics virtually in Google Classroom! Google Classroom code: yu3wpk

Safety and First Aid/CPR

Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our girls.  Having at least one adult First Aid/CPR certified is a requirement for every troop so that everyone can be safe and cared for while having fun adventures together.  

First Aid/ CPR/ AED Certification

American Red Cross CPR and First Aid courses are offered to volunteers through the council at a special discount price. To serve as a "Level 1 First Aider" for a troop, a volunteer must have both certifications. CPR certification is a prerequisite for First Aid certification. The $50 cost for the First Aid/CPR training covers the manual, supplies and certification card. Certification lasts for 2 years. Please dress comfortably as skills are performed on the floor.

Visit the council calendar for scheduled classes.

Girl Scouts Heart of the South schedules a variety of training dates and locations, but we know that sometimes our volunteers may need other options. That is why we are pleased to offer you Training by Request! Please use this form to submit your request for a local First Aid/CPR certification class to council staff. Keep in mind there is a 6 person minimum/10 person maximum for First Aid/CPR classes, and the ability to fulfill the request depends on the availability of a council facilitator. 

Safety First!

Through this webinar, you will gain a better understanding of girl/adult ratios, safety-related forms, Safety Activity Checkpoints, sensitive issues, troop first-aiders, and general tips for keeping girls safe during Girl Scout meetings and activities.

Take the class in Google Classroom! Google Classroom code: 5ivl6lx


Wilderness First Aid Basics

Wilderness First Aid Basics is an American Red Cross course designed to serve as an educational resource for those involved in activities that take them beyond the scope of traditional urban emergency services.  In these cases, emergency care is delayed until help can be notified and rescuers can reach the intended patient. 

This course helps provide the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with these emergencies until more advanced care can be provided.  The training manuals will be mailed after the course fee has been paid.

Participants must be at least 15 years old. 

CPR is a prerequisite for this course. 

Participants that successfully complete the 16 hour course (pre-course assignment and three sessions) qualify to serve as a Level 2 First-Aider.

 Participants must attend all three sessions, demonstrate practical skills and successfully complete a written test. 

Wilderness First Aid Basics certification is 3 years.

Request this training! Submit an online Request a Training form [anchor hyperlink to: Request a Training custom made embedded form at bottom of page]at least 6 weeks prior to your desired date and we’ll work on getting it scheduled.

Cost: $40 for all three sessions. Cost includes the training manuals, certification card and supplies.

Women Who Win
Phase 1: Work - Skills that help women win at work

Communication - Part 1


Communication - Part 2


Written Communication


Team Work

Phase 2: Volunteer - Goal-setting and action planning that help Volunteers become more effective Troop Leaders
Phase 3: Life - Habits that lead to healthy mental health and balance

Request Training

Training By Request! Girl Scouts Heart of the South schedules a variety of training dates and locations, but we know that volunteers may need other options. That is why we are pleased to offer you Training By Request! This opportunity allows service unit, troop leaders or parents who are looking to become skilled in a specific training to schedule one that fits with their busy schedules.

There is a 10 person minimum and the ability to fulfill the request depends on availability of a council facilitator.

Please submit an online Request a Training at least 4 – 6 weeks prior to requested day, based on the training requesting.  

Click Here to Request Training

Please use the First Aid/CPR/AED Request Form to submit your request for a Training by Request First Aid/CPR certification class.