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Four Junior Girl Scouts laughing

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Get Involved

Just like you, we want to best for your girl. Girl Scouts is where she’ll develop skills to take the lead today and into the future. Taking the lead doesn’t just mean she’ll become a future CEO, entrepreneur or congresswoman. It means she will develop into her best self and follow the path she chooses.

Whether in kindergarten or 12th grade, you want your girl to become self-confident, strong and compassionate. You want her to respect herself and others, make good decisions, be open to new challenges and use her skills and talents to make her world a better place. You want her to build strong friendships and put her values into practice in her everyday life.

   Try Out Girl Scouts 

       Try these fun and engaging activities from Girl Scouts at Home to get a sneak peek into what Girl Scouts is all about. When you're ready contact us about joining.


Just for Kindergarteners

Your little girl is about to take a BIG step! Girl Scouts can help prepare her for all the new friends, new responsibilities, and for the big changes school will bring.


Find a Troop

When she joins a troop she'll get together with new friends to play games and sing songs, go on field trips to museums and nature centers, and explore the outdoors.  


Start Your Own Troop

Enjoy the adventure with your girl and create your own troop!  We'll help you invite families from your community, school or church,  and give you all the resources and training to be successful.  



What is Girl Scouts?
Girl Scouts isn’t just a moment in her life, it’s a movement dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

Why do families love us?
Girl Scouts is a way of life that brings out the best in your girl, even in the most challenging of times. While she’s learning about STEM, the outdoors, entrepreneurship, and important life skills, she’s discovering new ways to make your family and community stronger, kinder, and better for everyone.

How does it work?
Groups of Girl Scouts, called troops, typically meet weekly or biweekly for an hour or two. Guided by adult volunteers—often parents and caregivers—girls select exciting hands-on activities and projects, try new things, and cheer each other on. Together, they earn badges to reflect their successes and show the world what they’re made of.

What’s the goal?
Making sure girls see and have opportunities to reach their potential isn’t just about helping them earn better grades, make better decisions, and lead happier lives (though it helps with those things too!). It’s about creating a more fair, equal, and compassionate world where every girl has a seat at the table and can make her dreams come true. Check out our values in the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

When can I get started?
Is your girl ready to let her best self shine and create the world she wants to see? With an extended-year membership, she can jump right into spring and summer activities and keep the fun going through September 2022—for just $35. Select the extended-year option when signing up, then decide how to kick off your Girl Scout experience.What can Girl Scouts do?

Can I start a troop for my girl?
Yes! And this is one of the best ways to enjoy all of the fun with your girl. You’ll need two adults to volunteer, yourself and one other.  Ideally a troop should consist of at least two approved, unrelated volunteers, and five girls. We can help with finding an additional volunteer (usally a troop mom) and members for your troop. You can also invite families you may know from your community, school or church.

Once you join Girl Scouts ($25), pass the background check, and get trained, you’re ready to get started!

How do I find a troop and register my girl as a Girl Scout?
You can search by your zip code for a current troop. Don't see what you are looking for? Contact us at 800-624-4185, email us at, or chat with us online.  

How much does Girl Scouts cost?
Girl Scout membership fees are $25 per year- that fee goes directly to Girl Scouts of the USA. In addition, most troops will ask for some minimal dues to pay for activities and essential program materials like uniforms and books.

Your girl will have an opportunity to work with her troop to earn funds through the Girl Scout Cookie Program and the Fall Product Program to offset some of these expenses. Financial assistance is available- contact your troop leader or service unit manager for more information.

Any adult age 19 and above who is interested in becoming a troop leader, assistant, helping with a character-building program, or simply being a part of the world’s largest organization for girls may join.

How often do troops meet/who do I contact with questions about the troop?
Most troops meet for one or two hours once every other week to once a month. In addition, there will be some extra time for events and other activities throughout the year. Your girl's troop leader is your main point of contact to answer your questions. Most troops have a parent meeting at the first part of the year to answer questions and highlight what you can expect for your girl. If you have concerns your troop leader cannot address, there is a staff liaison who can help.

Virtual Troops

Virtual Troops Available

We’re delivering the full Girl Scout experience through Virtual Troops, specifically designed for new girls to easily join the fun and friendship.

Find a Virtual Troop that fits your Grade Level and Schedule!

Virtual Daisy Troops

Choose the troop meeting day that works best for you and enter the Troop Number for that Virtual Troop when you complete your online registration by clicking the Join link below.

Troop Number 60000 - Daisy - K-1st grade
Mondays at 6pm - meets bi-weekly

Troop Number 60001 - Daisy - K-1st grade
Thursdays at 6pm - meets bi-weekly

Virtual Brownie Troops

Choose the troop meeting day that works best for you and enter the Troop Number for that Virtual Troop when you complete your online registration by clicking the Join link below.

Troop Number 60002 - Brownie - 2nd-3rd grade
Mondays at 6pm - meets bi-weekly

Troop Number 60003 - Brownie - 2nd-3rd grade
Thursdays at 6pm - meets bi-weekly

Virtual Junior Troops

Choose the troop meeting day that works best for you and enter the Troop Number for that Virtual Troop when you complete your online registration by clicking the Join link below.

Troop Number 60004 - Junior - 4th-5th grade
Tuesdays at 6:30pm - meets bi-weekly

Troop Number 60005 - Junior - 4th-5th grade
Thursdays at 6:30pm - meets bi-weekly

Virtual Cadette Troops

Choose the troop meeting day that works best for you and enter the Troop Number for that Virtual Troop when you complete your online registration by clicking the Join link below.

Troop Number 60006 - Cadette - 6th-8th grade
Mondays at 7pm - meets once per month

Troop Number 60007 - Cadette - 6th-8th grade
Thursdays at 7pm - meets once per month

Virtual Senior and Ambassador Troops

Choose the troop meeting day that works best for you and enter the Troop Number for that Virtual Troop when you complete your online registration by clicking the Join link below.

Troop Number 60008 - Senior and Ambassador - 9th-12th grade
Mondays at 7pm - meets once per month

Troop Number 60009 - Senior and Ambassador - 9th-12th grade
Thursdays at 7pm - meets once per month

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Available

For a limited time, Financial Assistance may be available for your Girl Scout Membership Dues.  Contact us to learn more:
800-624-4185 or

Become a Girl Scout

Fill your year with a new crew and more fun.

Kick off the fall with an exciting new journey as a Girl Scout and discover fun and friendship at every turn! 

Build a habitat for baby animals or dive into the world of robotics. Clean up a local park or design your own garden. Meet new friends and learn new things about yourself. 

As a Girl Scout, you’ll have the chance to explore the world around you, have a blast, and—most importantly—find the space to be truly, totally yourself.

That’s what being a Girl Scout is all about. 

Don’t miss your chance to grow, learn, and laugh with a supportive crew at your side..

Already a member? Log in to renew.


Become a Volunteer

Help Girl Scouts be their best selves this year.

It's always the right time to make a difference—and now is the perfect time to do that as a Girl Scout volunteer. Discover how good it feels to help Girl Scouts find their voice.

Just by being yourself, you can be a person that girls can count on—the one who listens intently, who encourages them to chase their goals, who keeps them laughing, and who helps them feel confident in who they are. Together, you’ll  build a community where every girl is celebrated and valued. 

You don't have to have a child of your own to get involved; all you need is a passion for mentoring the next generation of leaders. [Council Name] is ready to get you started!