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Girl Scouting at Home

Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines invites girls, families, and volunteers to stay involved no matter where they are!  Whether you’re looking for options for participating from the road or choosing to complete a badge or Journey on your own, we have virtual resources to support both girls and adults. 

While using the internet, girls should make sure to follow the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge. And make sure to share your digital experiences with us by submitting your Girl Scout story and use the hashtag #OurGSNCCPCommunity on social media!



Digital G.I.R.L.(Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) Programming

Girl Scout programming at your fingertips! See below for a variety of program activities to complete from home, including badgework activities, virtual classes, and more.

Please note that the free shipping promotion has expired. For all patch, badge, Journey and retail products, reach out to .    

Community Connection

Community Connection activities encourage Girl Scouts to continue to virtually explore their community. Each Monday we’ll share new ways for you to engage with your community by learning about, connecting with, and leaning into the  community around you.


Connect your own story to your community's by working towards our patch programs and Journeys!


Community Caring

Kind words can make a huge difference for those going through a tough time! Consider writing letters to nursing home residents or soldiers with words of encouragement.


Food Scrap Garden

Start your own food scrap garden and learn about the different gardening badges we have available. Girl Scouts can also learn how they can earn their Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award through similar projects. 


Space Science

Learn about space science as it connects with your community through our series of badges for all ages.


Communication In Our Lives

Communication is a very important part of our daily lives! Learn about communication technology throughout history and about practicing kindness when talking to others.


My Promise, My Faith

Check in with your spiritual health by working towards our My Promise, My Faith and Religious Recognitions Awards. Read about acitivites that you can do to strengthen your faith.


Feeding Our Community

Learn about who feeds our community here in North Carolina and find out how you can help!


Art In Our Community

Our NC community is filled with amazing art! Many museums offer ways to view and engage with art online, so you don’t even need to leave home. Read on for some fun ways to enjoy our community art on your own! 


Discovering Hispanic Heritage

Girl Scouts of all cultures can develop an understanding and appreciation of the Hispanic/Latin American culture through Discover, Connect and Take Action. 


Traditions activities encourage girls to continue to maintain a connection with our Girl Scout traditions.  Each Tuesday we’ll share new ways for you to  learn about, celebrate, and practice traditions that are at the heart of the Girl Scout Movement.  


Get moving! Check out these awesome opportunities that promote getting active through Girl Scout traditions.


Explore diversity, equity, and inclusion through World Thinking Day activities! Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day in an international day of friendship.


Girl Scout Way

Girl Scouts of all ages can  dive into the Girl Scout Way badge series and express themselves through song, art, celebration and writing. 


Girl Scout Songs

Sing Girl Scout songs, think of creative ways to show your troop you are thinking of them, and submit your photos to be part of our virtual time capsule!


Girl Scouts Give

Learn what 'philanthropy' means and how you can get started by participating in our Girl Scouts Give patch program.


Earth Day

It's a Girl Scout tradition to make the world a better place! In celebration of Earth Day, try making an upcycled bird nesting material dispenser, an elf garden terrarium, and other cool activities.



Do you love to travel, Girl Scout? Learn all about the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)  and the different World Centres you can visit in places like Mexico, Switzerland, and London!


Heroes at GS-NCCP

What does the word hero mean to you? Here at GS-NCCP, we consider all of the people that make our program possible for girls to be our heroes. Meet some of them in today's activity!



S.W.A.P.S. have been a tradition cherished by Girl Scouts for over fifty years!  Learn more about their history and participate in a special S.W.A.P.S. project with us.


History of Girl Guides

Dive into the world of Girl Guides with today's activity! Learn about their history and promise.

Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Finance

The Life skills, Entrepreneurship, and Finance section shares activities each Wednesday for developing the skills necessary to prepare her to do amazing things for herself and her community.


Check out our Virtual Photography Class! All Girl Scouts can learn awesome new photography skills, and Juniors and Ambassadors can work towards their photography badges.


It's important for girls to learn to be clever consumers! For today's activity, Daisy, Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts can work towards their Financial Literacy badges. All Girl Scouts can participate and learn new business skills and how our council shops are run.



Cooking is an essential life skill, and learning how to properly prepare meals can help Girl Scouts build their confidence! Learn the basics through our cooking badges!


Careers in STEM

Explore careers in STEM along with our STEM Journeys and check out a Q&A with our own IT Professional, Shanika Corrica!


Earch Day Yoga

Celebrate Earth Day with yoga! Learn more about yoga and practice some awesome techniques that are related to the Earth!


Changing the World

 Whether it’s a Girl Scout Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, a Forever Green project, or a Journey Take Action project, Girl Scouts are making a difference. Learn how you can get started today!


Visualize Your Future

Visualizing your future is the first step in planning for your goals! In this activity, you will take the time to create your very own Vision Board to help you organize your goals and dreams. 


GSUSA Heroism

GSUSA recognizes heroes in our Girl Scout community by bestowing honors for heroism, and lifesaving service. Read about the awards along with hometown heroes and proud business owners from our council.


Value of Creative Arts

Let's get confident in our creativity with Girl Scouts. Have the family join in the fun and get silly with your girl as she ventures out into the creative world! 


Food Exploration

A fun way to explore other cultures is through food! Explore recipes from other countries and eat up!

The Outdoors

Outdoor activities encourage Girl Scouts to nourish their love of the great outdoors and their connection with nature. Each Thursday join us to explore and celebrate the beautiful world around us, while developing a lifelong appreciation for the environment.  


Connect with the outdoors today by checking out our virtual tour of Camp Graham. Happy spring, Girl Scouts!


Girl Scouts of every level can work on their outdoor art badges while observing nature and spending some time in the sun.



Practice your knot tying skills to prepare for your next outdoor experience! Knot tying is a very useful skill to learn, especially when you are camping in the great outdoors! 


Our World at Night

Spend an hour or two outside at night with your family to learn about the stars and the sky. Complete an activity for one of your grade-level badges!


First Aid

Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors will learn basic first aid for today's outdoor activity! First aid is a very important life skill and necessary when camping and spending time outdoors.


Eco Badges

Daisies through Cadettes can begin working on their Eco badges, and Girl Scouts of all levels can learn the 7 Leave No Trace Principles.



Geocaching uses a smartphone app to find hidden “caches” in your neighborhood or out on the trails.  It is like a hike AND a scavenger hunt all in one!  Learn more today.


Women Environmentalists

Learn how you can make a difference in your outdoor community and become an environmental activist with eco badges and more for all levels.


NC State Parks

Have you ever participated in a Girl Scout activity at one of the North Carolina State Parks? This week we will be exploring some beautiful flowers and bugs that you can find in our parks.


Outdoor Art Maker

Girls can get creative outdoors by working on their Outdoor Art Maker badge while leaving no trace.


Culture of Storytelling

An important part of cultures are the stories they have shared together throughout their history. Explore the importance of storytelling and learn some new ones today!


STEM encourages Girl Scouts to look at the world around them with inquisitive eyes, experiment, push boundaries and learn as they go! Each Friday check out our activities, stories, and videos aimed at helping  girls become better problem-solvers, critical thinkers, and inspirational leaders. 


With so many things going digital right now (including Girl Scouts!), we think it is the perfect time for girls to check out our cybersecurity badges! Learn more and get started today.


Girl Scouts of all ages can work towards their Coding for Good badges. Girls will explore topics like coding basics, designing a game, and app development.


Think Like a Citizen

Explore the scientific method while contributing to research projects conducted by scientists around the world with our Think Like a Citizen Science Journey.


Space Science

Learn about females space scientists that have made an incredible impact in their field and become one for yourself with awesome space activities.


Become a Home Scientist

Become a scientist at home with these awesome STEM experiments using common household items. 


Animals Among Us

Dive in to the world of animals in today's activites. Girl Scout Daisies through Seniors can work towards animal-related badges!



Put your observation and problem solving skills to the test by learning about morse code and fingerprint investigation! Today's activities are from the Junior Detective badge.


STEM Heroes

Over the course of history, women have been making a difference in STEM fields- solving problems, developing innovations, and changing the world! Learn about some of them here.


The Science of Art

We all love to use our creativity to express ourselves and share with others- this week, we are taking a deep dive into the science of art!


STEM Globetrotting

Explore STEM around the world by learning about different research sites, with activities like virtual tours and creating brochures.

Additional Resources



Virtual Troop Experience

Follow along with out virtual troop meetings on your own at home! The meetings below include videos and any items girls will need for the virtual meeting.

Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors
Additional Resources

Virtual Parent FAQ

A Powerpoint presentation with everything you need to know before signing your girl up to be a Girl Scout!



Virtual Troop Leader Resources 

Virtual troop leader resources assist troop leaders (or parents/caregivers) in delivering specific Journeys or badges virtually, in-person, or utilizing both delivery methods using meeting plans housed in Google Classroom. Broken down meeting-by-meeting, we created this tool to make facilitation easy and fun! Online material, tips and tools and as needed support are supplied. Awards must be purchased separately from the council shop, simply email our shop with your order.  Click on the link below to request access to the meeting plans.  

Share your feedback to help us improve these resources and create a plan for additional resource development.  Click here to access the Virtual Troop Leader Resource Evaluation.  

D/B/J Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey

Are you looking to accomplish a multi-level Girl Scout STEM Journey with your Daisy, Brownie, and/or Junior troop, but are slightly intimidated to tackle planning or overwhelmed by the content?  Let us take the guesswork out of it! Lead your Girl Scouts through the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey using Google Classroom.

Click here to request access to the D/B/J Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. 

Girl Scout Cadette Coding for Good Badge

Do you have Girl Scout Cadettes interested in computer coding, but you aren’t sure where to start? With no previous coding experience, you can lead your Girl Scout troop through a series of fun activities that will leave them wanting to learn more. This resource will walk you through the completion of the first badge in the series: Coding Basics.

Click here to request access to the Cadette Coding for Good Badge. 

Girl Scout Cadette MEdia Journey

In the MEdia Journey, you will lead girls through an exploration of media and will help reshape negative messages into more positive ones, while planning a Take Action Project.

Click here to request access to the Cadette MEdia Journey. 

Girl Scout Senior GIRLtopia Journey

GIRLtopia is a girl’s invitation to envision a perfect world- utopia for girls. You can lead your girl(s) through the GIRLtopia Journey via Google Classrooms where we have all the information and tools ready to go!

Click here to request access to the Senior GIRLtopia Journey. 

Girl Scout Daisy Shapes in Nature

Nature is full of beautiful things! Using Google Classroom easily lead your Girl Scout Daisy troop on a step-by-step discovery of the world around them! This resource will walk you through the completion of the first badge in the series: Shapes in Nature. Online material, tips and tools and as needed support are supplied. Awards must be purchased separately from the council shop.

Click here to request access to the Daisy Shapes in Nature Google Classroom



Volunteer Connection – Virtual Trainings and Enrichments 

Featured below is everything the troop co-leaders need to get started on leading virtual troop meetings for their girls. 

How to Lead a Virtual Troop Meeting

The opportunity to participate in “normal” activities and engage with one another continues to be very important for girls, especially during this time of uncertainty for them. To keep girls actively engaged, consider holding a virtual troop meeting following the instructions from this video .

Virtual Training and Enrichment



Girl Scout Bridging

Are your girls bridging up? Watch our quick tutorial and how to videos to help get you started. 



To register for the following trainings, please check out the Activities page or sign up via MyGS. Continue to check back as more dates are added.


Area Event Director Training

Are you ready to run an event that will serve girls and/or adults from multiple troops in your area/county? Learn the ins and outs of properly planning a Girl Scout area event with this interactive training.


Lead 'n Learn Time: Girl-Led Planning 

It's Lead 'n Learn Time: Girl-Led Planning! Join us for Lead 'n Learn fun while we explore what girl-led looks like and how you can incorporate girl-led planning into your troop. 


New Co-leader Live

This training provides a comprehensive overview of the troop co-leader’s role and responsibilities, ideas and best practices for troop management, suggestions for parent and girl engagement, introduction to the many resources available in our council and Q&A sessions for new leaders. 


Service Unit Teams Updates

If you are part of the Administrative/Service Unit Team, you won't want to miss this webinar where you will receive a sneak peek of council updates, have an opportunity to ask those burning questions, and offer feedback on various admin team topics.


Troop Mentor Program Training

Are you a Troop Mentor Coordinator or a Troop Mentor and would like to know how to better support new co-leaders in your area? Are you interested in starting a Troop Mentor Program in your area? Being a mentor is easy - just be a friend! Join us in this free training session to learn more. 

Additional Resources

Virtual Troop Meeting Resources

Though we cannot endorse or support specific online meeting tools for your use, there are various tools to check into for virtual meetings. At council-level meetings and trainings, we use the following online tools that might be good options for your troop/service unit and to further engage in council activities and perhaps even with other troops. 

  • Microsoft Teams – offers a free version for collaboration, file sharing and chat 
  • Lifesize – offers a free account for personal use. It allows for up to a 90-minute call and up to 25 participants with a dedicated virtual meeting room and group chat during the meeting.



Badge Helper: Digital Troop Leader Resources 

With your Badge Helper: Digital Troop Leader Resource, we provide resources and support for facilitating a specific badge from start to finish. Everything from a uniquely crafted Girl Scout workbook and activity list to the exact supplies and quantities you’ll need to purchase to complete the badge.

Our goal is to make badge facilitation fun and stress-free! Dive right into hands-on learning with minimal preparation.  Completing badges with the Badge Helper is only a quick supply trip away!

When you’re done, be sure to complete the resource evaluation, and check out the virtual troop leader resources on our website.

Daisy Outdoor Art Maker

From a blue sky to a bird's song, nature can give you lots of ideas for art! Get ready to explore the outdoors and use what you see and hear to make different kinds of art projects. When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll know how to look at nature like an artist and make your own outdoor art. Awards must be purchased separately from the council shop.

Click here to request access to the Daisy Outdoor Art Maker Badge Helper

Brownie Potter

Crafts made with clay have been around for thousands of years. People who study history have found ancient clay art and everyday objects. Work your way through these steps to become a clay artist yourself! When you've earned this badge, you'll be able to make your own projects out of clay. Awards must be purchased separately from the council shop.

Click here to request access to the Brownie Potter Badge Helper

Cadette Book Artist

For centuries, humans have been developing methods to create and bind paper to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration with each other and with future generations. The craft of creating books has evolved over time but the basic human need to share words and pictures has stayed the same. When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll learn how to make different kinds of books in your own style! Awards must be purchased separately from the council shop.

Click here to request access to the Cadette Book Artist Badge Helper.

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