The Sue “Skipper” Csorba Award is a campership honoring a Girl Scout alumna from Annapolis, Maryland. As a troop leader, Sue Csorba was committed to giving girls outdoor experiences and was determined to have an inclusive troop of girls from all races, incomes, and family situations. With Sue Csorba’s vision and passion in mind, the fund provides a limited number of summer camp awards each summer. Girl Scouts — North Carolina Coastal Pines will provide these awards based on need, and will consider a variety of factors including financial, family, and home situation. Priority is given to first-time campers and may exceed the $250 limit. Applications are due to the Raleigh Service Center by April 1, 2022. For the Csorba Award, a deposit is not required with the campership application. This award excludes troop, day, and family camp.
Click here to apply for the Sue “Skipper”