The Fall Product Program provides an important ingredient for
leadership by helping girls develop five skills: goal setting,
decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.
Through Girl Scouting, girls become leaders in their daily lives and
prepare for bright futures!
The Fall Product Program also gives Girl Scouts and troops the
opportunity to sell magazine subscriptions (new and renewals) and very
popular nuts and candies in order to earn quick and easy start-up
money for their troop. This friends and family sale is conducted both
face-to-face and via the Internet through a secure program.
This year's Fall Product Program mascot is the Hawaiian Monk Seal!
(Check out this year's activity guide here.).
Girl Scouts will also be able to create their own avatar and explore
the shores of Hawaii! You can also create door hangers to promote your
shop. Get started by filling out the Product Permission & Responsibility Agreement.
Girl Scouts can begin selling today by clicking here.