Girl Scout troops may hold in-person meetings if they follow the guidance that pertains to their meeting location. See examples of typical meeting locations and the applicable sector guidance in the Navigating COVID 19 Guidelines for Girl Scout Activities.
Before planning an in-person meeting, troop volunteers should check CDPHE, your county guidance, and the guidelines for the location/business.
When considering in-person meetings or activities, troops should consult their county's guidelines and consider that some Girl Scouts may feel uncomfortable returning to in-person activities and we want to create an inclusive environment for concerned families. Facilitate a discussion with the families in your troop or group before transitioning back to in-person activities to gauge comfort and to plan for this transition.
All minor and adult participants will need to have a COVID waiver on file with Girl Scouts of Colorado.
Girl Scouts of Colorado is no longer requiring troops to collect the COVID-19 prescreen form before meeting in-person, however troops are welcome to continue using a prescreen if they would like. The COVID-19 pre-screen form (online version) is available. Third party hosts and locations also may require prescreening of participants.
Girl Scouts of Colorado is temporarily allowing troops to meet in private residences if gatherings in private residences are allowed in that county. Troops should follow all local, state, and the CDC guidelines and MUST submit the Request to Meet in a Private Residence form at least two weeks prior to the first meeting. If you’ve already submitted this form, you’re good to go unless there have been changes in the household. Please note as things begin to open up and more meeting options become available, troops should return to other meeting spaces.