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Girl Scout Badges


What’s that? You’ve always wanted to…

Make your own movie, build a robot, cook food from a different country, go geocaching, sleep under the stars, write a book of short stories, plant a garden?

Invent something new, paint a masterpiece, be a good neighbor, take amazing nature photographs, make your bedroom into a jungle, run a business, go on an adventure trip?

Become a design engineer, camp with your troop, build a wooden bench, learn to play a musical instrument, or design a website?

Great news! You can learn to do all these things and earn Girl Scout badges as you go. 

Check out new badge activities online at the Girl Scout Activity Zone.

Visit the Award and Badge Explorer for details on every badge a Girl Scout can earn.

GSCO Badge Series

The Badge Series is a virtual way to engage girls in badges and Journeys. We have taken our traditional Girl Scout program and translated it to be accessible virtually and at home. Each month we will cover new badges or Journeys. Girls can sign up to participate individually or leaders can register to get the materials to lead for their own troop. Questions? Contact

Check out Activity Plans to help Brownie and Daisy troops complete Journeys and earn Badges.


Use the Badge Explorer tool to learn more about badges and their requirements.


Need to know where to put your badges and insignia on your uniform? Check out GSUSA's Uniform Information.