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COVID-19 Updates


Last Updated 1/17/2023

Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts is committed to the safety and well-being of our members, their families, and the communities we serve.  We know Girl Scouts provides a platform for friendship, belonging, and support for thousands of girls and we have appropriate measures in place to protect them when they participate in Girl Scout activities.

Our communities continue to explore what is likely to be new ways of gathering together for years to come.  Girl Scouts follows CDC (Center for Disease Control), local authorities, and GSUSA in providing guidance and will continue to adjust to stay current as the COVID-19 risk changes over time.  Please continue to visit this site for the most up-to-date information and resources to help us stay healthy through flu season, RSV, strep, and COVID-19.

Basic Guidelines for All Girl Scout Gatherings and In-Person Activities
  • All are expected to do a quick health check before they leave home and not participate if they are showing any signs of illness
  • While masks are no longer required, we remain mask friendly. Any participant, especially if not vaccinated and boosted, is encouraged to wear a mask if they are more comfortable doing so or if their parent/guardian instructs them to do so.
  • We support troop and service unit leadership teams in establishing greater protection than GSCWM requires if, in their judgment, increased precautions are needed to protect a sister Girl Scout or her family or if advised due to local conditions or the nature of a particular activity.
  • All participants should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 is not allowed to participate in Girl Scout activities until at least five days have passed since the onset of symptoms or since the positive result, they have no fever for 24 hours, and respiratory symptoms have improved. Individuals testing positive for COVID-19 MUST wear a mask for five days following the mandatory five-day quarantine period.
Troop and Service Unit Activities
  • Girl/Adult ratios listed in Safety Activity Checkpoints must be maintained
  • Outdoor spaces are strongly encouraged when weather permits.
  • Meeting options need to be flexible based on the fluid nature of the COVID-19 risk.  GSUSA recommends maintaining virtual meetings at least 20% of the time to keep tech skills and virtual meeting habits fresh.  Troop leaders can contact for information about Zoom accounts available at special Girl Scout rates.
  • Find out about virtual program opportunities
  • Check here for more complete meeting and activity guidelines
Raising Awesome Girls!

Don’t forget to check out Girl Scouts of the USA resources for Girl Scouts at Home.  You’ll find virtual meeting tips, activities for individual girls and troops, and help for parents and caregivers navigating challenges we’ve never seen before – like how to talk to your kids about coronavirus.