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Troop Leader Blueprint for an Amazing Year

Your Blueprint for an Amazing Troop Year

New troop year? Bring it on!

Keep your troop going strong with these specially adapted badges, Journeys, and activities for virtual and safe in-person meetings, as well as current COVID-19 guidelines and resources. We’re here to support you as you help your troop thrive.

Program Ideas and Adaptations​

Power a fun-filled troop year with this curated selection of badges, Journeys, and activities to help you throughout this troop year.

Select a grade level
Multi-Level Troops

Training and Planning Tools
Local Support and Training

Volunteer Training Programs
These in depth trainings provide extra support to help you make the Girl Scout troop experience safe and fun!

Meeting Planning Tools

Check out these tried-and-true resources from fellow troop leaders who successfully adapted their meetings for in-person-safe and virtual settings.

OUTDOOR SETTING BADGEWORK-Daisy-Brownie-Junior-Cadette
These activities can take place outside of your normal meeting location, your town common, a public park, or even on one of our GSCWM camp properties. Be sure to reserve your space at camp by contacting The badges are completely adapted to be earned outside following COVID-19 guidelines. As always, all badge requirements are customizable to meet the needs of your space, time, and the interest of the girls. Can you or the girls think of optional activities? Go for it!

Planning Activities

These volunteer-generated ideas can you help adapt to any meeting environment. You can also visit the program level pages above to view adaptations for specific badges and journeys.

OUTDOOR SETTING BADGEWORK-Daisy-Brownie-Junior-Cadette
These activities can take place outside of your normal meeting location, your town common, a public park, or even on one of our GSCWM camp properties. Be sure to reserve your space at camp by contacting The badges are completely adapted to be earned outside following COVID-19 guidelines. As always, all badge requirements are customizable to meet the needs of your space, time, and the interest of the girls. Can you or the girls think of optional activities? Go for it!

Connecting with Families
COVID Guidelines

Check our council’s current COVID guidelines before planning any troop activities.