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Adult Learning / Training

We can’t change the lives of girls without YOU!

Before new leaders start changing the world, they need to:


To access gsLearn, follow these easy steps!

  1. All the way to the right of the green bar at the top of any GSCWM webpage, click on “MY GS”.
  2. On the page that loads, click on “Login” in the top right corner.
  3. Your username is your email.
  4. Once logged in, click on “gsLearn” on the left side menu.

These in depth trainings provide extra support to help you make the Girl Scout troop experience safe and fun! We offer easy and convenient online webinars. Some trainings are offered as self-guided on gsLearn.

Great Beginnings

Inquiring minds want to know:  What is the mission of Girl Scouts? Who are we? What is the Girl Scout Leadership Experience? What is the National Program Portfolio? Where do troops meet? How can I ensure troop safety? What are my next steps? Where do I go for support?

We offer this course in two formats: online in gsLearn to take at your own pace OR via a 1.5 hour webinar. To request a webinar, please contact your Membership Specialist.

Want to dive into Badges and Journeys, share best practices, or get a handle on how to make your troop girl-led? These trainings will show you how to make your leadership experience and troop meetings even better:

Daisy Days

At this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to put the GSLE into practice in your troop, with a focus on girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. We will explore how to plan a troop calendar, troop funding, parent meetings, parts of a troop meeting, kaper charts, resources for leaders, tools for group management, use of the Daisy Ring and more.
2 hour webinar
View upcoming trainings

Brownie Share

At this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to put the GSLE into practice in your troop, with a focus on girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. We will explore how to plan a troop calendar, troop funding, parent meetings, parts of a troop meeting, kaper charts, resources for leaders, tools for group management, use of the Brownie Circle and more.
2 hour webinar
View upcoming trainings

Jump Into Juniors

At this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to put the GSLE into practice in your troop, with a focus on girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. We will explore how to plan a troop calendar, troop funding, parent meetings, parts of a troop meeting, resources for leaders, Group Agreements, the Junior Aid Badge, Bronze Award and more.
2 hour webinar
View upcoming trainings

Teens & Tweens

At this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to put the GSLE into practice in your troop, with a focus on girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning. We will explore the needs of older girls, troop funding, how to keep older girls interested in staying, resources for leaders, awards, touch on Silver and Gold Awards and more.
2 hour webinar
View upcoming trainings


Field Trips, Sleepovers and Camping

Are you thinking your girls are ready to move beyond troop meetings? From field trips in your town to a sleep over at a museum to a camping weekend, we have trainings that will help you determine when your troop is ready and help them plan a fun adventure.

To see what training and paperwork is required, review the Beyond Your Meeting Chart.

The following courses are online in gsLearn: Beyond Your Meeting Learning Pathway includes: Field Trips, Explore Out, Cook In, Sleep In, Sleep Out.


Face to Face Trainings:
There’s nothing like the great outdoors! When you are ready to cook over a fire or spend the night at camp, these REQUIRED outdoor education classes will get you and your girls ready and keep everyone safe.

Cook Out

Learn essential outdoor cooking-related skills including fire building methods, charcoal and camp stove cooking, outdoor dish-washing and sanitation methods, Leave No Trace principles, basic knots and jackknife safety. Enjoy the hands-on experience of cooking a meal using different fuel sources and equipment.

Required:  For volunteers leading   troops that are planning on preparing food using outdoor cooking methods. This course is also required to build wood fires in indoor fireplaces or wood stoves.

Prerequisite: Prior completion of Sleep In, Explore Out, Cook In & Sleep Out

Recommended at least 4 months prior to the outdoor cooking event; prior to girls beginning to plan the event.  

Click here to see upcoming Cook Out trainings

Cook Out/Camp Out

Learn essential outdoor cooking-related skills including fire building methods, charcoal and camp stove cooking, outdoor dish-washing and sanitation methods, Leave No Trace principles, basic knots, and jackknife safety. Enjoy the hands-on experience of cooking a meal using different fuel sources and equipment while also learning how to guide girls in planning an overnight adventure of up to two nights and three days, sleeping in platform tents or non-winterized buildings. Required:  Prior to taking girls on an overnight outside-using platform tents or non-winterized buildings. Recommended at least 4 – 6 months prior to the overnight.  

Prerequisite: Prior completion of Sleep In, Explore Out, Cook In & Sleep Out

View upcoming trainings

Large Events

This course is for anyone planning a town-wide or service unit event. Discover strategies to ensure the success and safety of your encampment, Brownie Fun Day, outdoor day, dance, AGC event, etc. Learn the key elements of planning, implementing and evaluating events. Review the nuts and bolts of event planning, decision-making, budgets and how to build “girl-led” into your event. Required:   Strongly recommended for the planners of town-wide or service unit events.
Prerequisite:  Basic Girl Scout Volunteer training recommended. 
Timeline:  Recommended at least 6 months prior to the event.
3 hour face-to-face learning environment 
View upcoming trainings

Girl Scouts love to get together on a large scale. Is your town or service unit ready to host an encampment/camperee, service unit bridging?  How about a Daisy Tea?

Big Trips

This course is for adult volunteers in Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops wanting to plan an extended trip of three nights or more. You will gain the necessary skills to guide your girls through the process of planning, budgeting, and reviewing safety requirements and transportation needs for a three night or regional or national trip. You will also learn how to help girls gauge their readiness and become familiar with GSUSA’s and GSCWM’s policies and procedures for extended trips. Required:   For all troop/group leaders, co-leaders, and assistant leaders helping girls plan and carry out overnight trips of 3 or more nights or volunteers whose troops are planning an extended regional or national trip. Timeline:  It is strongly recommended that the volunteer take this course at least 6-12 months before a domestic trip and 18-24 months before an international trip. Prerequisite:  Completion of New Leader Training, Completion of appropriate Overnight Training. 
3 hour face-to-face learning environment
View upcoming trainings

Traveling to new places, meeting new people and experiencing new adventures is a time honored Girl Scout tradition.

Team Challenge Course (Low Ropes)

Learn to facilitate a group team building experience on a low ropes course. You’ll learn about group dynamics, trust building and problem solving. You’ll practice get-to-know you games while learning important spotting and safety guidelines and participate in elements of the low ropes challenge course and learn to facilitate experiences for girls using the course. 
7 hour face-to-face session 
Click here for a list of upcoming trainings.

Girl Scouts is all about team work and we love a challenge. This course offers volunteers the best of both worlds so they in turn can share this wonderful adventure with their girls.

Certification courses:

Archery Level 1 Certification

Become a USA Archery Level 1 instructor. Learn to set-up and operate a safe archery program. Learn to teach new archers, maintain equipment, and identity and correct common shooting errors. Upon course completion, you will be certified to teach archery as a Level 1 instructor. As a certified instructor you have another way to offer Girl Scouts new and exciting experiences.

The course consists of two parts. The first part is an online course that is approximately 4 hours long and can be completed at your own pace. After the online course is completed, you will participate in an in-person practical, hands-on experience. Upon completion of the online course and the in-person practical, you will be certified as an USAA Archery Level 1 instructor for 3 years.

Prerequisite: Girl Scout Great Beginnings course

Click here for a list of upcoming trainings.

Please contact Program Manager Jessica Gonzalez at with any questions regarding this training.

Axe Yard Certification

Become a GSCWM facilitator for our axe yard at Camp Bonnie Brae. Learn how to safely use a hatchet and saw and facilitate an axe yard program for your girls. Come and build up your outdoor resume to provide more opportunities for your girls. Axe yard programs are for Cadettes and up only.

Open to registered adults members.

Click here for a list of upcoming trainings

First Aid and CPR Certification

Volunteers may take first aid training through an area Red Cross office, the American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, local emergency services, hospitals, fire or other rescue services. Paying for an adult in the troop to become a certified first aider is a valid troop expense. Hybrid courses and face-to-face courses where participants are able to practice skills learned are acceptable. Courses taught online only are not valid for Girl Scout purposes.

Girl Scouts recommends that when girls are present at least one adult volunteer be first-aid/CPR certified. A first aider is required for physically demanding activities, activities involving the potential for injury and trips away from regular meeting spaces.

Please click here for a list of upcoming trainings.

Courses are also available from the following providers:

*Local options may not be available when clicking links they will give you courses located across the US

Hatchet Throwing Certification

Become a GSCWM facilitator for our hatchet throwing range at Camp Bonnie Brae. Learn how to safely throw a hatchet and facilitate a hatchet throwing program for your girls. Come and build up your outdoor resume to provide more opportunities for your girls. Hatchet throwing programs are for Cadettes and up only.

Open to registered adults members.

Click here for a list of upcoming trainings


If you do not see a location, date and time that fits your schedule and know of other volunteers in your area that would also like to attend please contact Monica Baldyga to make arrangements for possibly adding a session in your area.  

If you’d like to pay using a check or cash, please use the paper registration form. REGISTER BY MAIL OR IN PERSON
Complete the adult training paper registration form and submit with cash, check or credit card. Make checks payable to “GSCWM".
                115 Century Drive
                Worcester, MA 01606

Training Refund Policy:

  • No refunds will be issued should you not attend, arrive late, or leave early.
  • Refunds will be issued if you contact the council office ( at least 5 days before the training registration deadline closes. There will be a $5.00 processing fee.
  • If a training is cancelled by GSCWM, we can transfer your registration fee for a different session or a full refund will be issued.