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Legacy Giving

Take the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge!

Dianne Belk (Lifetime Girl Scout and founder of the national Juliette Gordon Low Society) has issued GSSN an exciting challenge.  In honor and memory of her father, James Burl Belk, Jr., Dianne and her husband, Lawrence Calder, are thrilled to announce the five-year $250,000 James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge grant to benefit registered GSSN Girl Scouts through camp and outdoor scholarship opportunities.

To trigger the match, GSSN must secure $250,000 in outdoor-designated planned gifts. To meet the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge, GSSN is seeking participation from volunteers, lifetime members, alumni, parents, staff, community supporters - and all those who love camping.

Who is James Burl Belk, Jr.?

James Burl Belk, Jr.
January 21, 1922 – May 19, 1960

Born in Roundaway, Mississippi to James Burl Belk, Sr. and Mamie Ailene Buckner, he was the second child and the oldest son of his soon to be twelve brothers and sisters. He attended Linn school, leaving in 1940 to join the Civilian Conservation Corps, in hopes of helping his parents. He arrived on October 3, 1940, at Camp Wells, near Elko, Nevada in the Ruby Mountains. Eventually, this property was used a Girl Scout camp for many years.

During his time in the Civilian Conservation Corps in Nevada, he learned heavy equipment operations, construction techniques and other skills which he used for rest of his life.

Returning to Mississippi, he married Georgia Wiggers. The day after their marriage in 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed and he was called to the US Army immediately. He served for three years until the end of the war.

Re-establishing his home in Mississippi, not far from his birthplace, he and Georgia were sharecroppers, as their parents and grandparents before them had been. They had three daughters, Mamie Elizabeth, Gloria Lynn, and Dianne.

Referring often to his time in Nevada, he spoke with respect of the beautiful mountains, the clear air and the friendly people.

He was well on his way toward improving his family’s life using his Nevada-learned skills, when he died in an accident at age 38.

His daughter, Dianne Belk, is a lifetime Girl Scout and the Founding Chair of the Juliette Gordon Low Society, formed by Girl Scouts of the USA to honor its founder and those who chose to remember Girl Scouts in their will and estate plans.

In honor of her father, Dianne and her husband, Lawrence Calder, have committed a $250,000 estate gift to be directed to camping experiences for the Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada when matching gifts are obtained.

Who can participate?

We invite volunteers, lifetime members, Girl Scout Alumni, parents, staff, community supporters, and anyone who believes in the value of investing in getting girls outdoors. We need your help to reach this exciting goal! 

Who will my gift benefit?

Gifts will specifically be used to send registered Girl Scouts to camp and outdoor experiences as outlined in the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge gift form.

How do I participate?
  1. Contact GSSN’S Development Department to discuss your interest
  2. Fill out the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge planned gift form (required to count toward the matching grant)
  3. Meet with your financial advisor to discuss arrangements 
Where will my gift be recognized?

Gifts will be recognized in the GSSN Annual Impact Report, and will also receive a special designation on the GSSN Juliette Gordon Low Society webpage. Donors may choose to stay anonymous if desired. 

Let’s get started!

Thank you for your generous consideration. Please contact Wendy Firestone today to get started. She will provide more information, answer questions, and send you the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Outdoor Challenge Form | Contact Information: or 775-322-0642 ext.1225


Join the Juliette Gordon Low Society

The Juliette Gordon Low Society recognizes individuals who make a planned or deferred gift to Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada, assuring that Girl Scouting will be available to future generations of girls. You can translate your lifelong passion for Girl Scouts into a legacy that will build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place for many years to come.

As a member of Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada's JGL Society, you will be invited to attend special recognition and educational events, receive the society newsletter, be recognized as a society member in select GSSN publications, access to digital resources, and receive a special membership pin.

GSSN Juliette Gordon Low Society Members
Thank you to all our generous donors!

Amber & Kyle Aiton

Anonymous - 2

Erik and Eva
Girl Scout
Planned Giving 

Michelle Attaway

Dianne Belk and
Lawrence Calder
Girl Scout 
Planned Giving

*Cookie Bible

Pam Boe

Paula Cady

Mary Caporale

Christine Casey

Denise Chavez



Donna Childs

Chris Coffing

Chris Cox

Karen Culp

*Pam & Mike Czyz

The Estate of Philip Dare

Lisa Dernbach

Lynda di Caro

Cyndi Fehler

Katherine Godbey

Wendy K. Hamilton

Amber Joiner & Kyle Davis

Liz Keene

Debbie Lambin

Rachael Lambin

Marian Lanius



Steven and Valerie Lease

Steven Marks

Caroline Mathes

James Mathes

Carol Merideth

Jean Merkelbach 

Ann Nelson 

Anita Nelson

Julia Ratti

Maureen Smercina

D. Scott Thompson

*Pat Tripple

Pam Verhaegen

Jo West

Sheryl L. Westad

Colleen Worlton

Vicki N. Wright

Kaitlin Young



*Juliette Gordon Low Society members listed with an asterisk are also contributors to the James Burl Belk Jr. Girl Scouts Sierra Nevada Camp Challenge! (See above for more information on the James Burl Belk, Jr. Girl Scouts Sierra Nevada Camp Challenge)

Here, Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada's CEO, Ann Nelson, is pinned during her induction ceremony into the Juliette Gordon Low Society by Dianne Belk. Also in attendance were Lawrence Calder and GSSN Board Chair, Colleen Worlton, a fellow member of the Juliette Gordon Low Society. 



Providing a planned gift to Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada can include naming Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada as beneficiary of a:

Retirement Plan
Living Trust
Donor Advised Fund
Life Insurance Policy
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Remainder Gift of Real Estate
Any other gift that benefits Girl Scouts in the future


Seeking additional resources?

Visit to learn more, and read the stories of wonderful Girl Scout legacy supporters who are dedicated to sustaining Girl Scouting for future generations of girls. 


How to name Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan: 

*We recommend consulting with your attorney or financial advisor to amend your existing will or trust or establish a new one. 

If you have already named us as the beneficiary of a planned gift, we welcome you as a JGL Society member. For more information on how you can include girls into your estate planning, please contact Karen Rudd at 775-322-0642 ext. 1225 or