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Council-Led Programs at Camp

Council Led Programs at Camp

Is your camper ready for some high adventure? From Art with horses to Ziplines, our camp programs can help your child discover new interests, connect to camp experts, and push their comfort zones. 

Challenge Courses

Our Challenge Courses provide exciting team-building opportunities for groups and individuals to develop confidence, a collaborative spirit, and problem-solving skills. We offer programs throughout the year that are open to all registered GIrl Scouts, and private sessions can be scheduled through our reservation system. Participation on our courses is  based on progression; building their challlenge-seeking attitude, growth mindset, and climbing skills from the ground up. 


Equestrian Programs

Settle into your saddle and ride through beautiful scenery on horses and trails suitable for beginners and seasoned equestrians alike. Horse programs include basic horsemanship skills such as how to care for a horse, tacking up, and riding safely in an arena or over varied terrain, with activities tailored to each camper's skill and age level. 


Additional Council-led Programs

Throughout the Girl Scout year, we host exicting and engaging programs as all of our camp properties. Girl Scouts can tackle challenge courses, hit the trails on their new best (horse)friend, experience frontier life, go on a paddling adventure, and more.

Check out our events page for all the outdoor programs we have to offer.

Counselor In Training

Calling all future camp counselors! If you are ready to unlock your leadership potential and your love of the outdoors, you can start working towards your Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Awards.

In our CIT program, you will gain the tools you need to become a mentor to younger campers. This training is aligned with the CIT Awards Girl Scouts can earn and display on their uniform. Once you begin working on our CIT II Award, you may choose to take one of our specialty tracks, including a focus on the equestrian, challenge course, or waterfront programs.

These leadership programs are the first steps toward learning the skills necessary to one day work as a volunteer CIT and then a full-fledged camp counselor!

CIT Progression
CIT ▶ CIT II ▶ Camp Ambassador

The CIT Award is only the beginning. Here's how you can go from trainee to paid camp counselor. 

  1. CITs must attend the two-week CIT I Camp to complete their CIT I Award. 
  2. CITs then attend at least one CIT II Camp session. The CIT I Award is a prerequesite for this session.
  3. If they have earned both the CIT I and CIT II Awards and are still enrolled in high school, they may apply to be a Camp Ambassador at one of our summer camps. Application comming soon.