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Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore is here to help you succeed as a volunteer! We offer in-person and online training so you can learn the best ways to support Girl Scouts at your convenience. A great resource is Volunteer Essentials, which will guide you through everything there is to know about Girl Scouts.

Training Basics

Becoming A Leader

Becoming a new leader is simple and you’ll be supported by our volunteer development system throughout your involvement. Each component will help make your volunteer experience more meaningful.

  1. The first step is to register yourself as an adult member. The cost to do so is $25 and we offer financial assistance if needed. You can register on our website
  2. The second step is to complete the criminal background check which will come to you in an email from Do not send an email directly to this address.
  3. The third step is to attend a new leader orientation. This will give you all the information you need to get your troop started!

There are other trainings to help you learn the basics of troop leadership and how to work with girls of your troop's level. These are either available in person or online and will be discussed at the orientation.


Application And Screening

We have improved our volunteer screening process. Now volunteers will move directly from Online Registration to Online Background Screening, simplifying the volunteer enrollment process while ensuring that volunteers are carefully screened.

The following Girl Scout volunteers will be asked to complete a background check every two years:

  • Troop Leaders
  • Troop Chaperones
  • Troop Treasurers
  • Troop Product Sales Coordinators

If you are a new or current volunteer, please complete an adult registration. Be sure to check "I want to join as a Volunteer." If you do not see a troop listed when you search, please click Unsure and a box will pop up where you can type in the level and school of the troop you are leading.

You will then receive a Background Check Request from the vendor Asurint from the email address Follow the link provided in the email to fill out the background check. (It is not mandatory to attach any supporting documentation, skip that step). If you did a background check within the previous two years, you will not be asked to complete a new one until the current one expires.

Once the background check has been completed, you will be sent an email to view a Welcome Video and answer a few review questions. Volunteers who are applying to be Troop Leaders will then receive an email (usually within 7 days) with a list of orientation/interview sessions to attend. Applicants can attend the session most convenient to them and will be ready to complete the remaining required trainings, which are listed below. 


Training is provided to assist each volunteer in successfully accomplishing their volunteer responsibilities, including:

  • competency and skills
  • principles of Girl Scouting
  • fundamentals of the Girl Scout program.

Training courses are available in-person in several locations, online and in webinar format in order to meet the needs of volunteers.

Leaders are required to complete: 

  • In-Person Interview
  • In-Person Orientation
  • LT1 : Leader Training 1 (How to Run a Troop)
  • GSLE by level: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior/Ambassador (How to do the Girl Scout Program)
  • Provide a first aider for the troop (see Volunteer Essentials) 

Click here to see the online training programs that are currently available on this website.

In-Person training is also available. Please click the following links to see when future training sessions will be offered.

Training Registration

Registration is a must for all courses and will be confirmed upon receipt. You cannot attend a training unless you register prior to the date of the class. In the interest of providing a valuable learning experience for volunteer leaders and volunteer trainers, the council may cancel a course if: 

  • Less than five participants are registered for a course.
  • The council closes one/both service centers and/or Monmouth and Ocean County schools are closed.
Special Needs

Please call the Service Center at 800-785-2090 to inform us of any special training needs. We will attempt to meet your needs.

CPR Training

You must register for classes prior to the scheduled date. No walk-ins will be accepted. Trainers only bring supplies for those who have pre-registered.Click here for CPR training dates.

CPR and First Aid Recertification

You must be certified originally through the  American Red Cross to be re-certified. You must register for classes prior to the scheduled date. No walk-ins will be accepted. Trainers only bring supplies for those who have pre-registered.

Click Here for CPR and First Aid Recertification Dates

Basic Outdoor Skills

Outdoor Basics is experiential training focused on how volunteers will train girl members in skills such as cooking on charcoal, campfire, or with a propane stove, the safe handling and use of knives, basic knots, and sanitation for hands and dishes.  Information is provided about trip planning, our camp facilities, and menu planning. The packing of clothing, personal gear, and group gear is demonstrated and handouts provided listing items needed. All volunteers who work with girls are welcome to attend. 

An overnight option is available. Participants will continue with an overnight with volunteer trainers in our camp. This can be taken together on the same weekend with Outdoor Basics or separately at a later date following completion of a previous an Outdoor Basics day. As part of our overnight experience, we share outdoor program ideas of songs, games, compass, outdoor flag ceremony, and an evening campfire. 

  • Click Here for Basic Outdoor Skills Dates 

Please note that the lead trainer will arrange community trainings for any community that has a minimum of 10 people willing to attend. This will be very helpful with the Encampments coming up!!                                

  • Contact us for more information about a community training
Troop Product Sale Manager Training

The Troop Product Sales Manager in your troop is the adult who has volunteered to handle the Nut/QSP and/or Cookie Sale for you troop. GSJS has designed a training to help organize the troop's sale. This course is required for all new Troop Product Sales Managers.

  • Click Here for Product Sale Training Dates