Earn your “Creating Our Future Challenge” patch in honor of 110 years of Girl Scouts!
Click here to download the activity sheet.
On June 17, 2022 Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore 110 Giving Day was
our biggest and best 24-hour celebration of our 110th
birthday – and we have
YOU to thank.
Donors, Girl Scouts, Parents, Volunteers, Board Members and Staff all came together to support the people and programs that are making a difference and being a part of our 110-year legacy.
Thank you for making 110 Giving Day incredible. Your support allows us to continue to invest in a movement where EVERY GIRL can unlock her full potential, find lifelong friends and make the world a better place.
Merriam-Webster defines mosaic as “a surface decoration made by
inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures
or patterns.” Our mosaic forms these small pieces and moments into 110
years of Girl Scout tradition. Creating a movement of nearly 2 million
girl members and more than 50 million Girl Scout alums—united across
the decades by a spirit of lifelong friendship and shared adventure
and the desire to do big things to make the world a better
For 110 years, Girl Scouts have found a way to create a better future for themselves, their communities, and the world. With big plans on the horizon, we can’t wait and see what they do next.
Through the support of donors, troop leaders and volunteers like you, Girl Scouts have been a force for positive change in our world for 110 years—tackling issues in their communities, helping others, and leading into the future. And you can help ensure another 110 years of problem solvers, go-getters, dreamers, and doers with a gift to Girl Scouts today.
Thank you for helping us create a better future for us all!
On June 17th we ended the night celebrating at the Jersey Shore BlueClaws for a special 110th Birthday party and Girl Scout Family Night.
Giving day is over but there is always opportunities to celebrate! Tag us @girlscoutsjs and use the hashtag #110GirlScoutsJS and show us how you are celebrating and supporting our history and future. Share a picture, post a status or create a story of your Girl Scout experience. Tell us when you first became involved in Girl Scouts and why Girl Scouts means so much to you. Let’s show the world why this goal is so important!
Earn your “Creating Our Future Challenge” patch in honor of 110 years of Girl Scouts!
Click here to download the activity sheet.