Download the Girl
Gold Award guidelines
Gold Award Girl Scouts
Issues of the world, meet your match.
Gold Award Girl Scouts are the dreamers and the doers who take
“make the world a better place” to the next level.
The Girl Scout Gold Award is the mark of the truly remarkable—proof that not only can she make a difference, but that she already has.
Seniors and Ambassadors who earn the Gold Award tackle issues that
are dear to them and drive lasting change in their communities and
beyond. Think of the Gold Award as a key that can open doors to
scholarships, preferred admission tracks for college, and amazing
career opportunities.
You can pursue your Girl Scout Gold Award if:
You're in high school (ninth through twelfth grade, or
You're registered as a Girl Scout Senior or Girl Scout
You have completed two Senior or Ambassador Journeys OR earned the
Girl Scout Silver Award and completed a Journey
GSCI requires an interview to take place before completing the project proposal. Contact Sarah Roberts at 888-623-1237 to set up an interview. Once you have conducted your interview, the application must be submitted on-line at Go Gold Online for the Gold Award Committee to review. Due to the fact that the committee meets once a month, it may take a few weeks for the committee to review.
After the project is completed a final approval is required. Final reports are due by February 15th if a girl wants to be honored at the spring ceremonies. Final reports must be submitted by September 30th of the year of graduation. Each year Gold Award Girl Scouts are recognized at ceremonies and ask to represent the council at various times throughout the year. We are proud of their accomplishments and want to share their story and inspire others.
The Gold Award recognizes leadership projects not community service projects (there are community service bars for that). All projects must make a lasting difference, ensuring sustainability while putting the Promise and Law into action and inspire others.
Girl Scout Gold Award Steps
GSCI highly recommends that you join us for an Award Chat the first Monday of each month to learn more about the award. Click on the Event Calendar to R.S.V.P. for the Award Chats.
Identify an issue
Investigate your issue thoroughly
Get help and build your team
Create a plan
Present your plan and gather feedback
Take action
Educate and inspire