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Volunteer Toolkit

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is a comprehensive digital tool accessible via the web on your home computers, smartphones, and tablets to help you have a fun and successful year with your Troop!

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To access the VTK you must have an active account in the Member Community.

Who Has Access to the Volunteer Toolkit

Service Unit and Administrative Volunteers

Volunteers who hold a Service Unit (SU) or administrative role and support troop leaders and families in their respective geographical area. Access is granted through the council based on placement in designated support roles: Council Trainer, IRG Mentor, SU Manager, SU Assistant Manager, SU Registrar, SU Team Member, and SU Treasurer will have access.

Troop Leaders and Co-Leaders

Active volunteers registered for the current Girl Scout membership year and who hold a troop leadership role. There should be at least two volunteers with access to the same troop account in the VTK. 

Parents and Caregivers of Girl Scouts in a Troop

Each parent or primary caregiver has access to their troop’s VTK account. They have read-only permission for the meeting schedule and agendas, plus additional resources. (Caregiver accounts can only be accessed if the troop leader has set up a year plan.) 

Caregivers of Girl Scouts Not in a Troop (i.e. Juliettes or Individually Registered Girls)

Each primary caregiver of a currently registered Girl Scout who is not part of a troop will get troop leader-like access with their girl(s). Access is granted through the council based on confirmation of individually registered status. 

Service Unit/Administrative Volunteers

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) helps troop leaders deliver easy, fun troop meetings year-round! With this step-by-step guide, you’ll discover how your volunteers can take their troop experience to the next level!

What you’ll see in your Demo VTK account:

  • Year, Meeting and Resources Tabs will display with all functionality
  • Finance Tab without submission
  • Drop-down will allow navigation between roles (SU, IRM, Troop)
  • Explore Tab with all program levels

Resources for Volunteers:

Demo Access User Guide [PDF]
Troop Leader, Assistant Leader and Treasurer User Guide [PDF]

Troop Leaders and Assistant Leaders

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) gives you program content and other resources to manage your troop planning all year long—and keep it going smoothly! 

Here's how it will save you time and help you plan:

  • The VTK offers two resources for planning your troop’s time: Year Plans and Meeting Agendas. 
  • Daisy, Brownie and Junior leaders can access pre-populated plans for every meeting. 
  • Cadette, Senior and Ambassador leaders can access planning features. 
  • Everything is fully customizable!  

You can also: 

  • Manage troop finances 
  • Track girls' achievements and attendance 
  • Reference important safety guidelines for field trip planning 
  • Stay in touch with parents and share meeting plan information

Resources for Troop Leaders:

Troop Leader, Assistant Leader, and Treasurer VTK User Guide [PDF]

The VTK can help facilitate Girl-Led Planning! 

Utilize the pre-written plans as a guide for involving the girls in the planning process. For example: The “Junior Badge” year plan includes two meetings to work on the Savvy Shopper badge. 

If you know that your girls have other interests, you can let them lead the way to find alternate activities for those two meetings by researching options, and making agenda changes together--all within the VTK! More information about Girl-Led planning is available in your grade level training resources. 

To help you, your leader team, and parents remember important dates throughout the Girl Scout year, your Year Plan will show “Year Milestones.”  These orange banners appear in chronological order with your troop’s meeting and activities.   

Create and Edit Meeting Agendas 

The VTK serves as the go-to place for everyone within your troop to see important information about meetings and activities, including locations, times and materials needed.  

Your whole team of leaders can edit meeting agendas and meeting aide resources within the VTK. When additional meetings or activities are created, you can add resources from the VTK library onto your blank agenda.  

Your girl's parents have read-only access to meeting agendas in the VTK. This allows them to stay up-to-date on everything their daughter is enjoying in Girl Scouts!

Parents and Caregivers of Girl Scouts in a Troop

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is your digital key to all the amazing things your girls will experience this year!  With this step-by-step guide, you're stay up to date with your girl’s achievements and discover how you can make an impact 

Resources for Parents and Caregivers:

Caregiver/Parent VTK User Guide [PDF]

Video Resources for Parents and Caregivers:

Caregiver Dashboard [Video]

Parents and Caregivers of Girl Scouts not in a Troop (Juliettes/IRGs)

The Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) is your digital portal for easy, fun Girl Scout activities year-round!  With this step-by-step guide, you’ll discover how you can help you girl take her Girl Scout experience to the next level!

Resources for Parents and Caregivers:

Juliette/Independently Registered Girl VTK User Guide [PDF]

Video Resources for Parents and Caregivers:

  1. For Caregivers to Individually Registered Girl Scouts - The Year Plan Tab [Video]
  2. For Caregivers to Individually Registered Girl Scouts - The Explore Tab [Video]
  3. For Caregivers to Individually Registered Girl Scouts - Meeting Plan Overview [Video]

Have questions?

Contact Customer Care at 855-ILOVEGS (456-8347) or via email.