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Summer Resident Camp


Welcome to Girl Scout Summer Camp!


We're excited to welcome your girl to her summer home away from home as she tries new things, learns new skills, and makes friends and memories to last a lifetime.

Whether she’s looking for a week of adventure or a day of exploring, we’ve got you covered. Horseback riding, swimming, learning to surf or sail, crafting, hiking the Appalachian Trail and much, much more – there is something for every G.I.R.L.  (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader).

Our summer camp experience spans three amazing resident camp properties:


All of our resident camps feature fun outdoor activities like swimming, water sports, archery, crafts, campfire and more! However, each camp offers unique experiences such as Climbing the Alpine Tower at Camp Mary Atkinson, sleeping among the trees in our Tree House units at Camp Graham, and dolphin-watching on the Pamlico River at Camp Hardee. We encourage you to explore each camp and then register for your favorite session(s).

Girl Scout camp is not only about gaining outdoor skills and friendships - it’s about helping girls discover who they are and exploring the world around them. At camp girls realize that anything is possible…and that their next great adventure is just around the corner.

Why Girl Scout Camp
Why Girl Scout Camp

Summer camp sessons  at all three of our summer resident camps (Camp Graham, Camp Hardee, and Camp Mary Atkinson) are available and open to all girls whether or not they participate in Girl Scouts.

National studies from the Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI) show it's not just what girls do, but how they do it that makes the Girl Scout camp experience so beneficial. Camps run by Girl Scouts are unique because girls get to learn by doing, and they do so in a girl-led environment. This means that, in addition to learning in a hands-on and active way, girls are encouraged to choose their activities, decide which topics they want to explore, and determine how they want to go about exploring them.

The study also reports that at least 75 percent of girls who experience the fun of learning by doing and are part of a girl-led program become better at conflict resolution, problem solving, team building and cooperation, and developing self-confidence. In addition, nearly three in four girls who experience learning by doing and who are part of a girl-led program say that, because of Girl Scouts, they've become a leader in more activities with their friends and classmates, as well as in their community.

At Girl Scouts, we believe that camp is for every girl, which is why we are proud to support girl-led activities and outdoor experiences.

Camp Open House Events
Summer Resident Camp Open Houses 

Join us for our free open house events in February and March. Each resident camp will host a Sunday afternoon open house where girls and their families can tour the property, meet camp staff, and register for sessions. Additionally, we invite families to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy on the property!

Camp Hardee Open House
Sunday, March 5
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Camp Mary Atkinson Open House
Sunday, March 12
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Camp Graham Open House
Sunday, March 26
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

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