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Support Your Local Girl Scouts

The Girl Scout Cookie Program® prepares girls with the business smarts they need to prepare for adventure.

The world may have changed, but one thing remains the same: Girl Scouts love adventure! And that’s exactly what you’ll find in every delicious bite of iconic Girl Scout Cookies.

Did you know the Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world?

When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you’re supporting Girl Scout entrepreneurs and funding future adventures for Girl Scouts.

And guess what? Proceeds stay local.

Every purchase you make guarantees that Girl Scouts capture the experience of life and leadership.

 Girls Scouts Learn Five Essential Skills

The Girl Scout Cookie Program® helps Girl Scouts learn five skills that are essential to leadership, to success, and to life. 

Skill #1—Goal Setting
"I know I can do it!" 

Girl Scouts learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them!

Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs are always on a mission. Whether it's through an exciting new adventure, a service project to improve their communities, an amazing summer at camp, or an eye-opening STEM activity, the goal is always to power amazing experiences for themselves and their troops all year long, while helping others too!

Skill #2—Decision Making
"I make smarter decisions."

Girl Scouts learn to make decisions on their own and as a team!

Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs are leaders in the making. They make decisions about how to run and promote their cookie sales, interact with customers, and spend their earnings. And when it comes time to make decisions in their personal lives, they’ll use what they learned selling cookies to make the best choices.

Skill #3—Money Management
"I make change happen!"

Girl Scouts learn to create a budget and handle money!

Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs are always sharpening their money smarts. By running their own cookie businesses, they learn how to make correct change for customers, count and manage their cash flow, and create a budget to fund the experiences they want to have with their troops. 

Skill #4—People Skills
"I get a lifetime supply of confidence in every box."

Girl Scouts find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions.

Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs are relationship builders. By running their own cookie businesses, they gain valuable practice communicating with customers; talking about their product and goals; and resolving conflict in a positive, productive way—all skills that will help them succeed in school, in business, and in life. 

Skill #5—Business Ethics
"Selling cookies is more than just business."

Girl Scouts learn to act ethically, both in business and in life.

Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs are honest, fair, and responsible. Through their cookie businesses, they learn to always do the right thing by their troop members, customers, and communities—lessons that will carry them for a lifetime of leadership.

Here’s how the cookie crumbles…


54% goes to girl and adult programs, camps, and training

26% goes to cost of cookies and distribution

18% goes to troop proceeds, bonuses, patches, and recognitions

2% goes to administrative expenses

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