The Learning and Development Department at GSNCCP is here to help support, train and educate you on the resources available to ensure you thrive in your volunteer role! Our team regularly offers webinars, virtual and/or in-person conferences and trainings. We are here to make this troop year easier! Start exploring! Log in to gsLearn to explore free training modules such as...
- GSUSA Zoom for Girl Scouts
- Administrative Team Conference 2020 workshop recordings
- Co-Leader Academy 2020 workshop recordings with trainings like
- Girl-Led in a Virtual World
- Four Hour Pledge: Engaging Parents Virtuall
- Having Fun in a Virtual World
- How to Take Girls on a Hike Virtually
- Simplify Virtual Planning with the Volunteer Toolkit
- Troop Leader Social Media Training
- Co-Leader Connection Series - a monthly webinar on varying topics
- Facilitating Great Virtual Meetings: description coming
- Zoom Meetings for Troop Leaders: description coming
- AND 700 plus more
For more information on how to log into gsLearn, click here! If you continue to have trouble logging in, please contact our customer care department at
Please also stay connected to our GSNCCP Co-Leaders Page on Facebook. Our Facebook page is a great resource for sharing ideas and resources, asking questions, networking and a space for us to share important updates and information.