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Individual Giving

Your generous gifts to Girl Scouts of Colorado build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. While it only costs $25 to join Girl Scouts, it actually costs more than $400 per year to provide each girl with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. 


Daisy's Circle is Girl Scouts of Colorado's easy monthly giving program that provides sustainable support for statewide programs.


Opportunity Grants subsidize the cost of uniforms, program materials, trainings, Council-sponsored events/camp/travel and GSUSA destinations for girls and volunteers. We provide more than $100,000 in opportunity grants each year.  


Leadership Support helps girls take action with Highest Awards, funds Power Up trainings, and provides dynamic regional programming.


Community Outreach ensures the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for low-resource and special needs girls. Staff-led programming is provided in housing developments, schools and residential correction and treatment facilities.


Regional Programs promote anti-bullying, healthy living, STEM, sports, travel and Highest Awards.


Business and Financial Literacy Programs help girls develop practical skills to become business leaders and make astute financial decisions. The five key skills are goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.


Outdoor Program provides girls with unique experiences and an appreciation of nature and the outdoors. Girls learn leadership, environmental stewardship, social responsibility, survival skills and teamwork.


Make a gift to honor Edna "Skipper" Hollis's legacy and support outdoor programs throughout Colorado. Skipper passed away at the age of 104, with a 94-year history of Girl Scouting as a girl and an adult volunteer. As one of Colorado's most beloved alums she is remembered for her love of the outdoors and the annual troop gathering she hosted for more than six decades. Make a gift in honor of Skipper, or to honor an alum who has made a difference in your life.


STEM programs address opportunities and challenges for women in science and technical fiels. Dynamic workshops and events help girls gain confidence in their skills and encouraging greater participation in STEM-related activities.


Healthy Living Journeys enhance the physical and emotional health of girls. Individual and group activities incorporate healthy lifestyle messaging and give girls the tools and knowledge to make positive life choices.