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A strong endowment enables Girl Scouts of Colorado to meet current and future program needs, maintain a stable funding stream despite fluctuations in the economy, lower our dependence on the product program and have the ability to respond to immediate or emergency needs.


The Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund -- in progress

Carla grew up in a family where service to one’s country and friendship to sister Girl Scouts were important values. In honor of Carla’s military service, love of Girl Scouts and travel, Carla’s family has made a generous lead gift to establish The Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund. In early March we reached out to Girl Scout supporters and military families with a challenge to raise a minimum of $10,000 to complete this endowment.  Thanks to donations from many of you and a generous matching gift we have achieved this goal.


Distributions from the endowment will provide Colorado Girl Scouts from military families with scholarships to experience the learning, joy and camaraderie acquired through travel and adventure. 

More information about Carla. 

Donate to the fund



Stephanie A. Foote Leadership Prize

Since 2015, the Stephanie A. Foote Leadership Prize has been awarded annually to a Gold Award Girl whose project is selected by an independent panel as an exceptional example of sustainable leadership. "I wanted to celebrate the tremendous effort and vision that Girl Scouts put forth to earn a highest award. I am proud to salute Colorado’s Girl Scouts whose Gold Award projects make a lasting impact.

2015  Christina Bear
2016  Sarah Greichen
2017  Emma Albertoni
2018  Riley Morgenthaler
2019 Emily Kretschmer
2020 Christine Bolt

Stephanie A. Foote Leadership Prize

Leadership Prize details



The Mary Jo Jacobs MD memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund

In 2014, Mary Jo Jacob's four children established this Fund in her memory for the benefit of girls from Eagle and Garfield Counties who want to attend camp. "Dr. Mary Jo Jacobs was the epitome of one that not only spoke the Girl Scout Law, but lived it from an early age." She dedicated her life to her family, friends, patients and her chosen profession of medicine.  Apply here.


Adventure Fund FAQs

More Information



Rae Ann and Richard E. Dougherty Look Wider International Travel Fund

Thanks to a generous gift from lifetime Girl Scouts, Rae Ann and Rich Dougherty, this fund provides annual scholarships to Girl Scouts applying for international travel destinations. Competitive applications open each fall.  Apply here.



Debbie Haskins Spirit of Girl Scouting Award

The Debbie Haskins Spirit of Girl Scouting Award recognizes one   outstanding Colorado Gold Award Girl Scout annually. The Awardee exemplifies the Girl Scout spirit through courage, confidence, and character. The Award is given in memory of Girl Scout Gold Award mentor, Debbie Haskins. This award is noncompetitive and girls cannot apply. Girls are recommended by Highest Award mentors and ultimately chosen by the Stephanie Foote Leadership Prize Committee.

Donate to Debbie Haskins Fund

2020 - Emerald Doyle
from Colorado Springs, held a series of drives and collected items to benefit One Nation Walking Together. To date, she has collected more than 3,000 pounds of food, 375 pounds of feminine hygiene products, and 844 pounds of furniture and clothing.

2019 - Mykaela Ryan from Broomfield, drew on her personal experiences with stuttering to create a video and educational presentation to inform high schoolers about how to interact with someone who stutters. Mykaela demonstrated bravery and pride by presenting her project directly to students at her own school, and beyond, to raise awareness and stop bullying.

2018 - Elizabeth Hoelscher from Aurora, was named the first recipient of the Debbie Haskins Spirit of Girl Scouting Award. She partnered with Avanti House, which houses teenage survivors of sex trafficking, to build a new library for the home and create welcome baskets for the girls.