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Gold and Silver Award Ceremony


Thank you for joining us as we celebrated our
Class of 2022-2023 Gold Award and Silver Award Girl Scouts:

2023 GSCWM Gold and Silver Award Ceremony
Thursday, June 15, 2023
at Mechanics Hall in Worcester
5:00 Presentation and Media Hour
6:00 Ceremony

Tickets are $15 per person.
Gold Award Girl Scouts and two guests attend free, and
Silver Award Girl Scouts attend free but must still register so that we have your recognitions prepared and and seats prepared.
Gold Award guests registration here.

Showcase your support for this years Gold and Silver Award Girl Scouts by placing a congratulatory message in the program book. Please send the completed form and payment to or 

GSCWM, 115 Century Drive, Worcester MA 01606

The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest recognition that girls in grades 9-12 can earn in Girl Scouting. Requirements for the award culminate by completing a project that makes a measurable and sustainable difference in a girl’s community. The process of building a Take Action project focuses on connecting a girl’s personal interests with a community need. Steps involve leadership development, service to others, career exploration, and self-improvement.

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award Girl Scouts in grades 6-8 can achieve. It recognizes their efforts in a range of Girl Scout and community experiences as well as their commitment to improving their lives and the lives of those around them.