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GSNorCal Fall Take Action Program
October 1, 2022–November 13, 2022!
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Fall Take Action Program

The Fall Take Action Program is easy, fun, and a great way for both entrepreneurs and volunteers to start off the Girl Scout year! Entrepreneurs sell to family and friends. They can do the entire program online, in-person using the order card, or both, following safety guidelines. All troops receive 20% of total troop sales.

We’re excited to bring our entrepreneurs together again to support conservation efforts by partnering with Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) through adoption, conservation, and rescue of Hawaiian monk seals.

Scan this QR code to go directly to the M2 login page between October 1–November 13!

Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As: Join the product program team for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, October 5 through November 16, 2022. We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and girls with the Fall Take Action Program. Register here!

2022 Fall Take Action Program Important Dates


September 7 -Troop Volunteer Kickoff

Time: 6:00 pm



October 1 -  Get Started! Families can click the link in the email from their troop leader via M2, can scan the QR code above, or click the link above to access M2’s campaign site to help entrepreneurs design their avatar and launch their business. 

October 1-16 –  Entrepreneurs’ digital shops open for business with 3 options for orders – shipping, donate, and girl delivery. Entrepreneurs choose which customers to offer girl delivery and entrepreneurs can text customers their digital shop link instead of email.

October 16 – Last day families can enter paper order card orders for girl delivery.

October 17-November 13 – Entrepreneurs’ digital shops stay open for shipped and donated orders only.

October 28-November 2  Products delivered to service units. Entrepreneurs pick up and begin delivering to customers when product in hand

Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As:

Join the product program team to for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, October 5 through November 16, 2022.  We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and entrepreneurs with the Fall Take Action Program. Register here!



November 11 – Veteran's Day

November 13 – Entrepreneur digital shops close.

November 16 – Deadline to enter entrepreneur reward choices 

Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As:

Join the product program team to for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, October 5 through November 16, 2022. We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and entrepreneurs with the Fall Take Action Program. Register here!

Resources and Information

Participation Benefits (for Juliettes, too!)

All participating Girl Scouts receive these benefits:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset - Entreprenuers develop curiosity, take initiative, and learn to collaborate with others while learning about and supporting emperor penguins to make a global impact.
  • Animal Conservation - Entreprenuers support Hawaii Marine Animal Response in adoption, conservation and rescue of Hawaiian monk seals by donating reward values.
  • Sisterhood - Entreprenuers become a part of something bigger than themselves when partnering with their fellow Girls Scouts to adopt and rescue Hawaiian monk seals
  • Volunteers - One and done for troop volunteers with all payments online.

Did you know Girl Scouts may participate in the Fall Take Action Program individually as a Juliette?  It’s easy and it’s fun!

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  • Parent or guardian supports their Juliette as a volunteer in M2--the product management system.

If you haven’t already received the email to participate or would like more information on how to participate as a Juliette, contact

Adopt an Entrepreneurial Mindset

An entrepreneur uses creativity and imagination to figure out new, innovative ways to solve problems, evolve ideas and methods, or build a business to meet those needs.  Every Girl Scout can benefit, maybe even discover what their  passionate about, by learning to think like an entrepreneur:

  • Be curious
  • Embrace challenge
  • Take initiative
  • Collaborate with others
  • Take creative risks
  • See failing as learning
  • Adapt to change

Why is entrepreneurship important for Girl Scouts?  Having an entrepreneurial mindset prepares Girl Scouts for a successful education, a career of their choosing, and the skills needed to tackle challenges they’re most passionate about.  In short, it balances the scales and readies them for today’s world.

Take a Closer Look!

Entrepreneur and Caregiver Resources

Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As:

 Join the product program team to for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, October 5 through November 16, 2022. We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and entrepreneurs with the Fall Take Action Program. Register here!



Virtual Zoom Backgrounds

Right-click on the images below to save to your computer, then upload to Zoom as a background!

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  • Picture6
  • Picture5
  • Picture4
Volunteer Resources


                             Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As:

Join the product program team to for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, October 5 through November 16, 2022. We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and entrepreneurs with the Fall Take Action Program. Register here!

COVID-19 Safety Guidance

Entrepreneurs and adults should adhere to all GSNorCal COVID-19 Guidance prior to engaging in product deliveries and/or marketing material distribution. We recommend all customer purchases be transacted through entrepreneurs' online shops, ensuring minimal-contact financial transactions. Should an entrepreneur and adult choose to accept cash or check as payment tender in rare circumstances, we recommend appropriate safety precautions be taken. We also encourage parents to deposit these physical payments into their personal account then electronically transfer the funds to their troop volunteer in order to reduce touchpoints.

Fall Take Action Project

Go bright ahead and take action this fall! Join your fellow GSNorCal entreprenHERS in partnering with Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) in adoption, conservation, and rescue of Hawaiian monk seals.

Meet the Hawaiian monk seals: they hail from the Hawaiian Islands and nearby Johnston Atoll. They are the only tropical seal species left in the world and only live in Hawaiian waters. Hawaiian monk seals are 6-8 feet long and weigh 350-500 pounds. They can dive more than 1800 feet deep but prefer to swim in shallow waters of 300 feet or less. Monk seals rest on the beach for a few hours to a few days and spend two-thirds of their life at sea

Hawaiian monk seals are one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world, with only 1,500 still calling Hawaiian    waters their home.


Girl Scout Conservation

By choosing to donate any amount of their        program rewards for adoption, conservation and rescue of Hawaiian monk seals, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to make a change in the world and spread the word about the need to protect the Hawaiian monk seals. Visit to learn about each of the twenty- two monk seals our entrepreneurs may choose to adopt and support at the end of the program.

Troop Sisterhood

Your troop can help safeguard a future for these amazing animals through participation in the Fall Take Action Program. Troops who have 100% of registered entrepreneurs send 18+ emails plus reaching a 50+ item Per Girl Average, earn a shaved ice party kit that includes color changing sunglasses for each entrepreneur.

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Care to Share

Care to Share is GSNorCal’s service project in which we share our delicious products with the community! Entrepreneurs sell virtual items to be donated by the council to local organizations, such as food banks, military bases, and other hometown heroes, at the end of the program.

  • $8 per item, no specific variety
  • Available online and in-person
  • Per IRS regulations, all donations collected while participating in product programs should be toward Care to Share

Plus, Girl Scouts who sell 5+ Care to Share items earn an exclusive patch!


Thanks for your support and participation in the Fall Take Action Program!

Please contact us at if you have any questions.