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Customer Care’s Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Still can’t find the answer to your question?
Contact Customer Care direct at or 1.315.698.9400 or 1.800.943.4414, option 2.

Difficulty registering/renewing membership online

For first-time registration: 
Register via the GSNYPENN website, click “Join Today” to get started and view troop opportunities in your area via our Opportunity Catalog

Online registration must be completed using a desktop web browser – you cannot register via a smartphone, contact Customer Care for assistance

During payment, the credit card holder’s name must include a middle initial if it is printed on the card

During payment, the credit card number must be entered as 16 digits only, no dashes or spaces

For renewals: 
If you are having a problem renewing a membership, contact Customer Care for assistance

Renewing a girl and not self at this time OR Renewing a membership that is marked “inactive”

Click “I’ll Decide Later” and NOT “Do Not Renew” for self - “Do Not Renew” deems a membership inactive

If a membership is marked “inactive,” you will not be able to renew it without assistance from Council, contact Customer Care for assistance

Requesting Financial Assistance for girls and/or adults

For girls:
Financial Assistance is available on the GS registration site by checking the “FA” box on the payment screen

Only a parent/guardian can apply for a girl’s Financial Assistance

Have the parent/guardian contact Customer Care for assistance

For adults:
Adults must request Financial Assistance via the GSNYPENN website

Click “Forms” in the upper right corner of the homepage

Select “Financial Assistance” from the drop-down menu (income and other documents are also required to accompany the form, scan/fax to the Cicero Service Center at 315.221.3552) 

Changing a girl and/or adult volunteer’s troop

Troop Leaders, parents and guardians can do this via the GSNYPENN website

Click “Forms” in the upper right corner of the homepage

Select “Troop/Member Change Form” from the list 

Difficulty logging on to MyGS, Member Profile, Doubleknot or the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK)

Your account hasn’t been established yet, contact Customer Care

You are using an incorrect password or incorrect login/username (your login/username is the email address Council has on file for you), contact Customer Care if you need assistance

If you cannot remember your password, click “Forgot Password” and the system will generate a temporary one for you to re-login or login for the first time

If you are having trouble resetting your password, did not receive the email with your temporary password, cannot remember your login/username or are having another issue related to accessing systems, contact Customer Care for assistance

For VTK users:
You cannot access the VTK if you do not have a current membership, you will need to renew first

You may not be able to access the VTK if you are not in the Troop Co-Leader role

You must have a current background check on file with Council

After July 1, you must renew your membership for the upcoming year to gain access to the VTK

Volunteer has not received background check verification email

Email will arrive from, please check your email program’s SPAM/junk folders

If you still don’t see it, contact Customer Care to have the link resent (we can also mail paper copies to complete the process, if necessary) 

No contact from the Troop Leader yet

Contact Customer Care for assistance and to get in touch with the Troop Leader direct 

Finding a local troop OR the troop I want is not listed in the Opportunity Catalog

Browse our Opportunity Catalog to find troops in your area

If you know the troop you want to join and don’t see it listed, select “Unsure” and enter the troop number in the text box, Customer Care will contact you direct