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Ways to Support GSNYPENN

When you support Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, you become part of the solution. We help girls learn to be safe, to think for themselves and lead the way for others. Imagine what an entire generation of girls can do, given confidence, skills, and preparation to lead. Together, we can get her there!

Capital Campaign: Camp Comstock

GSNYPENN aspires to erect a new multiuse building at its Camp Comstock property in Ithaca, NY. This proposed 5,000-square foot space will allow indoor overnights during cooler weather months and help meet growing space needs with a more accessible, winterized building at the entrance to the property.

It will also allow Camp Comstock to:

  • double its present capacity for summer overnight camp sessions
  • provide winterized space for our active volunteer membership
  • secure the sustainability of our camp for decades to come


Considering a major gift donation ($10,000+) to this campaign but need more information? Please reach out to Director of Development JoAnne Morak at to schedule a meeting. This can be done in person or online. 

Where Your Donation Goes

GSNYPENN thanks all of the generous supporters who help make Girl Scouting possible. 

Your donation helps ensure that girls have the opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts, whether through camp, a troop, an event, or other ways. Thank you for helping girls make the world a better place!

To learn more about how GSNYPENN safeguards your investment:


Juliette Gordon Low Society

Have you made a planned gift to Girl Scouts? Through your planned giving, you are part of the Juliette Gordon Low National Society. Please let us know, so that we can honor you with this beautiful Juliette Gordon Low Society pin.

If you haven’t made a planned gift yet, it’s so easy. Did you know you can leave any amount or percent of your life insurance or estate to Girl Scouts? A small bequest can make a huge difference in the future of our girls and young women. Contact JoAnne Morak at 315.288.0953 or to discuss your options. 

Membership in the society ensures that members stay connected to GSNYPENN now and in the future.

Did You Know?
In 2018, GSUSA and Dianne Belk, Founding Chair of the Juliette Gordon Low National Society, raised a challenge for each Girl Scout council across the nation to acquire four planned gifts. In return, each council would receive a planned gift of $10,000 from Dianne Belk and Lawrence Calder. GSNYPENN accepted and met this challenge!

If you’re interested in joining our council’s Juliette Gordon Low Society members, contact JoAnne Morak at 315.288.0953 or to discuss options. The process takes less than 5 minutes, but your gift helps girls develop leadership skills to last a lifetime!

Learn more about Dianne and Lawrence’s dedication to our Movement.


Annual Giving Campaign

A gift to our Annual Giving Campaign supports the Girl Scout mission to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Girl Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Your support makes this possible in every community we serve. Thank you.



A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your will or estate plan. By making bequests, you can continue to help organizations that are making a difference in your community and in your life.


Financial Assistance Program

GSNYPENN is an inclusive organization that welcomes every girl to join in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. For many families that are struggling through tough economic times, the availability of financial assistance is the only way their daughters can participate. To help bridge the gap for families in need, we established the Financial Assistance Program. This Financial Assistance Program provides confidential, needs-based aid to individual girl and adult* Girl Scout members. The Financial Assistance Program helps cover expenses associated with essential resources and valuable activities/events for girls in need, including:

  • Membership assistance
  • Girl Guide/Journey books
  • Uniform pieces
  • Council-sponsored activities that provide substantial program value, including camp 

* Adults can apply for membership assistance or for council-sponsored troop/group activities when their participation is required for safety purposes.

As Girl Scouts, we believe that success is what happens when ability meets opportunity. The Financial Assistance Program is part of our continued investment in affording all girls the extraordinary opportunities that our program provides, so that they may acquire the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed.


Special Events

Our Women of Distinction events honor and celebrate female leaders that have shown leadership in their professions and in their community. They represent and support the mission of Girls Scouts; building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. If you're interested in starting or being a part of a WOD Committee in your area, please contact JoAnne Morak at 315.288.0953 or

Give Back While You Shop

You can also help support our mission through our partnerships with ShopRaise and Walmart. Thanks for your support!

Raise money through online purchases at over 1,000 stores! Download the mobile or desktop app and every time you make a purchase at a participating retailer, a percentage supports us. 

Walmart Spark Good
Sign up and support us with Walmart Spark Good! When you shop at, round up your change to support our organization.