- Campers will participate in fun getting-to-know-you games during the first 24 hours of camp.
- Staff will provide campers with positive comments and encouragement throughout their time at camp.
- Each camper will select their own activity during “Me-Time.”
- Each camper will receive an age level-specific Badge Documentation Sheet to share with their families / troop leaders. This form will indicate what skills and specific badge requirements were completed while at camp.
Camp Goals & Outcomes
Camp Wasiu II strives to encourage skill-building experiences in an outdoor setting that particularly relate to the following Girl Scout Leadership Experience focus areas:
Leadership and Self-Esteem
Environmental Awareness
Health and Wellness
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
The Arts
Goals of the Camp Wasiu II Program
To provide opportunities that stimulate the development of each camper’s self-esteem.
To provide situations for each camper to set goals and challenge themselves while also discovering their own skills and abilities.
To foster an appreciation for nature and encourage campers to take an active role in the stewardship of the environment.
To allow each camper to experience group living.
Camp Outcomes
Outcomes are measured both through camper/family evaluation forms and qualitative staff feedback.