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Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Girl Scouts offers many scholarship opportunities at the local and national level.

Locally, the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore offers a competitive scholarship based on need, the Kiefer-Stevens Memorial Scholarship. Qualifications are based on acceptance to any post-secondary educational institution; financial need; commitment to career/profession; participation in Girl Scouting, such as, earning the Silver and/or Gold Award, and participation in council activities. Other qualifications taken into consideration by the committee are extenuating family circumstances, service and leadership outside Girl Scouting, number of years in Girl Scouting, class rank and other academic indicators.


The Kiefer-Stevens Memorial Scholarship is for Girl Scouts who are graduating high school seniors. GSJS offers a competitive scholarship based on need. Girls who receive this scholarship may receive up to $3,000 per girl. Click here to complete the application.  The application can not be saved in progress.


The GSUSA Gold Award Girl Scouts Scholarship recipients will receive a $10,000 scholarship each—a 400% increase from 2022. Girl Scouts applying for the GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship must be either:

  • a high school senior at the time of the scholarship application who has earned the Gold Award at any point in their high school tenure, OR
  • a high school graduate who graduated in May or June 2022 and earned the Gold Award between 4/1/22 and 9/30/22.

Girl Scouts who are eligible for this award will have submitted their Gold Award final paperwork through GoGold online and will have been approved by March 1st. Girls will be eligible to complete the scholarship application through GoGold on March 15.

Gold Award Girl Scouts who applied for the 2021 or 2022 scholarship are not eligible to re-apply.


Local Financial Assistance

Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore provides a variety of financial assistance programs to help all members of limited financial means participate in Girl Scout activities. For more information on these programs, please contact the council.


Applications for financial assistance for girls - Finn-Brown Financial Assistance - and for adults can be requested during the registration process and are sent after the registration is complete.


National Financial Assistance

In addition, GSUSA has compiled a list of universities/colleges, foundations and Girl Scout councils that offer scholarships, awards, and grants to Girl Scouts.  Many of the universities and foundations base their scholarships on receipt of the Gold Award and, of course, registration in that college or university.


Click here for additional Girl Scouts scholarship information.


Click here for additional Girl Scouts scholarship information from Paul Smith's College in New York.