Archery Games: Balloon Blaster for Juniors
Take your Archery Skills to the next level and play several
different games that include loads of balloons! $14 per
person: Includes Fun Patch
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to
November, Indoors at Program Activity Center , December to March)
Archery I for Juniors
Learn how to aim and shoot a bow and arrow! $13 per
person: Includes Archery Badge
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to
November, Indoors at Program Activity Center, December to March)
Automotive Design Badge
Test your imagination and create your very own dream car in
different ways with this hands-on car creation kit. We will learn to
design an automobile together! This program can be run virtually or in
person at either of our Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore council
service centers in Farmingdale or Toms River. Social distancing
guidelines will be strictly followed. $15 per girl: Includes Junior
Automotive Design Badge
Canoe I for Juniors
Head out onto the lake and learn how to paddle, the parts of a
canoe, and how to work as a team. $14 per person: Includes Fun Patch
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to November)
Challenge Course I for Juniors
Head out to our low-ropes course to work with your team and complete
different tasks. Every time you come is a different experience.
$13 per person: Includes Fun Patch
(Two Hours, Camp Amity Acres
or Camp Sacajawea, April to November)
Challenge Course II with Zip for Juniors
After completing Challenge Course I, come back, do some level two
low ropes elements before heading out to our zipline. $16 per
person: Includes Fun Patch
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to November)
Climbing Wall for Juniors
Can you climb the climbing wall to reach the very top? $16 per
person: Includes Fun Patch
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to November)
Cupcakes for the Season
Show your creative talents and decorate a themed-cupcake. This
program is available virtually or at a council service center in Toms
River or Farmingdale, with appropriate safety guidelines implemented.
There is a different theme every month! You can complete each one.
- October – Halloween
- November – Thanksgiving
- December – Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa
- January –
Winter-inspired colors
- February – Valentine’s Day
- March – St. Patrick’s Day / East
- April – Easter / Earth
Day / Spring and floral-inspired designs
No cooking is involved. All participants earn a seasonal patch.
Price includes a program facilitator, a fun patch, four cupcakes per
girl, cake boxes and decorating supplies/tools. $16 per
girl: Includes Fun Patch
First Aid for Juniors
Learn basic first aid as you earn your First Aid badge. Gain the
skills needed to take action in an emergency, such as how to apply a
bandage and help a choking person. Learn what belongs in a first aid
kit and create your own kit to take home. $16 per person: Includes
Junior First Aid Badge
(Two hours, Year Round)
Flying Squirrel
Experience a rush of adrenaline as you fly though the sky, securely
held in by our rope and harness system. The whole team works together
for a thrill of a lifetime!
$16 per person: Includes Fun Patch
(1.5 hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea, April to November)
Discover the sport of Geocaching; a sport which combines technology
with a scavenger hunt. Access geocache locations online and learn how
to use a GPS receiver, or a cell phone, to find them. Make SWAPS to
leave at a geocache site, and start your very own geocaching
adventure! $13 per person: Geocacher Badge
(Two hours, Camp Amity Acres or Camp Sacajawea)
Silver Award Workshop
The Silver Award is the highest award a Cadette Girl Scout can earn
in Girl Scouting. Our mandatory workshop is catered to girls, but we
encourage adults (parents and leaders) who wish to be supportive of
their girl to attend as well. We will review the requirements for this
award and answer your questions. The Silver Award Take Action Project
is challenging; this workshop will also teach project management
skills including meeting deadlines and building a team. $5 Per
Girl: Pre-requsite for Silver Award
Whipping Something Up with Juniors
Juniors jump into the kitchen with recipes to make simple meals and
earn your cooking badge! Juniors are empowered through this Simple
Meals Badge as they get creative, learn knife safety and much
more. $15 Per Girl: Includes Simple Meals Badge