From our own backyard to across the ocean, some of the most memorable
moments in a Girl Scout’s life can happen while they are taking trips!
Travelling can offer a wealth of opportunities for girls to develop
skills in leadership and confidence.
There are four different types of council travel opportunities,
which you can find below. It is recommended girls do them in order, as
a progression of travel experiences helps build travel skills.
Overnight Trips - A trip of one—or possibly two—nights away.
These short trips are just long enough to get girls excited about
travel, but not long enough to generate homesickness.
Regional Trips - (Juniors and older). Three- or four-nights
within the girls’ home region taking girls up to a few hours away from home.
National Trips - (Cadettes and older at time of travel). Travel
anywhere in the country and can last up to a week or more.
International Trips - (Cadettes and older at time of travel).
Travel around the world can require one to three years of preparation.
International trips are available to Cadettes, Seniors, and
Ambassadors, but only to those who have successfully participated in a
progression of overnight and extended trips within Girl Scouting.
Upcoming Council Travel Opportunities
Travel Progression: Overnight Trips
Travel Progression: Regional Trips
Travel Progression: National Trips
Travel Progression: International Trips
Eligible trips for the 2023 Travel Scholarships, regardless of the
cost of the trip, include:
- Camp Canadensis 2023
- Savannah, Georgia 2023
- London, Paris, Florence, and Rome 2023
- New Zealand and
Australia 2025
- Panama 2023
- Peru 2023
- Lancaster, Pennsylvania Sweet Treats and Amish Eats 2024
- GSUSA Destinations, international and domestic
- Phenom
by Girl Scouts National Convention at Disneyworld, July 2023 - For this
opportunity, girls will register and travel on their own and the
girls' expenses can then be reimbursed with the earned Travel
Scholarship funds.
To assist girls who wish to travel on Council Trips or GSUSA
Destinations, the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore offers girls the
opportunity to apply for Travel Scholarships. Girls must be
registered for a trip in order to apply for a scholarship. Girls who
apply who are not registered for a trip will not be considered.
Girls are eligible to receive Scholarships for council-sponsored
trips and GSUSA trips. Approved scholarships range in value between
$75 - $1,000 per year. To qualify, girls must sell a combined minimum
of $500 worth of product in the Fall Sale Program plus 550 boxes of
Girl Scout Cookies.
How will the girl be selected to receive a portion of this scholarship?
The girl will complete her application along with a parent/guardian.
Both girl and parent/guardian must sign, date and submit their travel
scholarship application through the form below.
Travel Scholarship applications will be accepted May 1, 2023 to May
15, 2023. Girls traveling on trips in 2023 or beyond can apply for
scholarships each year as long as they are registered for the trip!
Remember, the more you sell, the MORE you EARN and the bigger your
potential reward!
- Sell a minimum of $500 worth of product in Fall Sale
- Sell at least 550 boxes of cookies
- Be registered for a
council-sponsored trip (or GSUSA destination)
- Be a
registered member and be active in Girl Scouts